Saturday, December 09, 2006

Re: [rosacea] Success?

I had a lot of success with IPL treatments (3 in
total). Last summer my rosacea was totally out of
control (full facial flushing, ocular symptoms, and
swelling on my cheeks and chin), despite the fact that
I was taking an oral antibiotic (minocycline) and
using a topical treatment. The IPL worked so well
that even my dermatologist was shocked by my
improvement. I have minimal flushing across my cheeks
and nose in response to heat but that's about it. And
I'm no longer taking an oral antibiotic or using any
topical treatments (although I do still use restasis
eye drops).

That said, I should note that following each laser
treatment my symptoms would always get worse before
getting better. Right afterwards I was okay. Then
about a week or so later I would start to flush, etc.,
which would gradually taper off over the next few

Regarding my experience more generally, the big issue,
in addition to cost (I spent $1,200 overall), was
finding a competent laser practitioner. That's one
thing I got from reading the posts on this site- how
important it is to go to someone who's good. I went
to Vein Solutions in Indianapolis, IN (Dr.

So for me, the IPL was definitely worth it (I think I
was especially lucky in that I tolerated the laser
really well - no burning, etc.). I was so depressed
this past summer every time I looked in the mirror at
my red and swollen face. I'm not 100% cured (still a
bit of redness and enlarged pores), but it is so much
better- really looks pretty normal.

I hope this isn't too much detail. I just know that
it was very helpful for me to read about other
people's experiences with IPL (and other treatments)as
well as their comments on various doctors.

Best of luck.


--- hothead907 <> wrote:

> Has anyone actually had any success in beating their
> rosacea without a
> myriad of pills, vitamins, or topical solutions?
> What about laser
> treatments or IPLs or other forms of therapy? I
> highly doubt anybody
> who has had success even visits this group anymore,
> but for those
> people who have beat it and still visit the forum,
> please let us know
> what worked for you. Thanks.

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