Sunday, December 10, 2006

Re: [rosacea] elena, sorry to hear this

Thanks. I will do that. I usually get fairly good albeit short results just putting one of those ice packs that are filled with beans on my neck and face.


khm4aim <> wrote:

It is possible to overdo the spraying with spring water thing.

as the water evaporates it will pull more out of your skin with it.

You might try cutting way down on the spritzing.

--- In, Elena Mutter <emgm42000@...>
> HI Tamara,
> Thanks for emailing. Right now I am backing off of everything.
It's hard. My skin is so dry right now. Today even my lips are
dying of thirst! They are not chapped; just seem moisture starved.
I feel like a dried up raisin or a cactus plant. So crazy when you
think I am drinking 10 to 12 classed of water a day and the green tea
too! I just keep filling my humidifier and spritzing myself with
spring water and Evian and just praying you can't just die from
dryness! The eyes are a bit scary.

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