Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rosacea News November 2010

1. Finacea and the Cause of Rosacea

Following on from a study that was able to show the reason that Finacea was able to adjust the inflammatory response in the skin, is this JAAD Poster session abstract.  This paper is looking at how the active ingredient in Finacea, azelaic acid can decrease the expression of 2 substances thought to be important in rosacea – kallikrein 5 (KLK5) and cathelicidin. The …

2. Oracea Phase IV Results (ORCA) show users are happy

Promoted as the biggest rosacea study ever undertaken, Galderma has released results from the Phase IV study into Oracea. This study was called ORCA. We learn from the Galderma Press Release that ORCA stands for Oracea for Rosacea: A Community-Based Assessment. We also learn how to correctly pronounce Oracea, should that interest you. Phase IV trials typically try to replicate the success and safety

3. The one thing I wish I was told about treating Rosacea

Do you have something that you just wish you were told when you were first diagnosed with rosacea? What little pearl of wisdom would have made the biggest difference to know straight up?

Often when someone is diagnosed with rosacea, their first trip to the internet is a scary one. Those pictures of the worst cases of severe rosacea are enough to depress anyone.

4. Elorac promoting Carbamide Peroxide as a Rosacea Treatment

A recent press release from a company called Elorac, is highlighting Phase II trials for treating Acne with Carbamide Peroxide. Elorac are promoting Carbamide Peroxide as an improved, next-generation version …

5. High Glycemic Diet Exacerbates Acne

This may come as no surprise to many, but there continues to be a strong link between diets that place a high glycemic load on the body and acne. Diet and acne, Bowe WP, Joshi SS, Shalita AR. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2010 Jul;63(1):124-41. Historically, the relationship between diet and acne has been highly controversial. Before the …

6. DERMAdoctor Photodynamic Therapy – topical Red Light Therapy?

Thanks to a comment from Aimee, there is a new product available from DERMAdoctor that looks both innovative and potentially beneficial for rosacea sufferers.

The makers claim that DERMAdoctor Photodynamic Therapy enables users to “experience continuous exposure to anti-aging red light through the mere application of a lotion” and call it a “ground-breaking, patent-pending solar powered technology in lotion form captures UV light transforming it into visible red light, a proven energy source for eliciting anti-aging effects on the skin”.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Rosacea News October 2010

Rosacea News October 2010

1. Scenesse effective for Solar Urticaria

For those following the progress of the development of Scenesse (formerly Afamelanotide), some good results from Phase II trials in treating Solar Urticaria. Solar Urticaria is a rare skin condition that can be thought of as being like hives caused my exposure to the sun. Participants received a 16mg implant of Scenesse and were found to have both a significant …

2. Mylan continues to fight for Generic Oracea

Documents recently filed in the Mylan vs. Galderma patent litigation reveal that Mylan Pharmaceuticals continues to argue that it should be allowed to manufacture generic Oracea. This ongoing battle is known as the “Oracea Patent Litigation”.

If you are interested to see how generic pharma takes on big pharma to get a …

3. Vanicream Sunscreens User Reviews

Liked by rosacea sufferers for being mild, elegant and reasonably priced, Vanicream Sunscreen SPF30 and SPF60 offer strong sun protection in a formulation worth trying out.

Vanicream Sunscreen is available in SPF30, SPF35 and SPF60. The SPF30 and …

4. Skin Bacteria Thrives in Rosacea Patients

This just published abstract has two interesting findings. Firstly the majority of pustules from a group of rosacea sufferers contained a growth of a skin bacteria called Staphylococcus epidermidis, whereas normal skin …

5. Trial Watch: New Treatments Coming Soon

Despite the global financial economic situation and despite the seemingly crowded skincare market, the research and development of rosacea treatments continues at pace. I wonder if you would be …

6. Raman Spectroscopy, the next great diagnosis innovation

Some press this week about an emerging diagnostic technology known as Raman Spectroscopy. Raman Spectroscopy looks at the way that light scatters when it interacts with different molecules. The technology can analyse the scatter patterns to determine exacting details to do with the chemical makeup of the tissue being examined.

The article suggests that Raman Spectroscopy can be used in a whole new range of ways in a diagnostic role.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rosacea News September 2010

1. New Rosacea Treatments – get them while they’re hot

Every rosacea sufferer who is unsatisfied with the current offering of treatments looks to see what might be available soon. The thought that something new and improved is just around the corner is a source of encouragement for sufferers …

2. Cutanea Life Sciences files IPO to fund Omiganan development

News today that yet another company is accessing funding to pursue research and development for a new treatment targeting the papules and pustules of rosacea. We learnt in 2006 that Cutanea were trialing Omiganan for rosacea. The treatment is known as a topical cationic peptide. This treatment has anti-inflammatory properties that were promising for acne. Now the developers are …

3. Does the internet help us become hypochondriacs?

A really interesting and honest article where the writer tells us how she has always been very anxious about her health, worrying about many incidences that turned out to be fine. One great fear was leaving her children without a mother. Self diagnosing from the internet certainly didn’t help her anxiety, it would seem. Having the resource of the internet  for health issues is …

4. Our love-hate relationship with the Sun

If you are like me, that is like most rosacea sufferers, you wonder where is the middle ground with our relationship to the sun. It seems that each month a new tiny bit of research shows that Vitamin …

5. Los Angeles: facial redness trialists wanted

I have been contacted by Impact Clinical Trials in Los Angeles who are looking for rosacea patients to participate in the ongoing trials for a `new topical gel’ for the erythema associated with rosacea. We are currently conducting a study for a new topical gel being developed as a possible future treatment of erythema associated with rosacea. We are looking for …

6. The NRS wants your blood !!

The National Rosacea Society is calling for people to be materially involved with a study they have funded that is looking into the possible genetic link with the neurovascular system of rosacea sufferers. It would be a great discovery if a gene responsible for facial flushing and burning could indeed be isolated. Help New Genetics Study …

7. Oxymetazoline: what about rebound redness ?

One of the up and coming treatments for the redness of rosacea is the use of oxymetazoline based formulations. Oxymetazoline is the active ingredient in decongestant products like Afrin, Sudafed OM and Vicks Sinex as well as …

8. New Jersey: Want to participate in an Anti-Redness trial?

The recruiting manager from Frontage Clinical is looking for participants in the trial they are hosting for rosacea redness. Frontage Clinical in Hackensack, NJ is conducting a research study to evaluate the safety of an investigational topical gel medication for moderate to severe facial redness associated with ROSACEA. All qualified participants will receive at no cost …

Monday, September 13, 2010

Rosacea News August 2010

Rosacea News August 2010

1. Soho, NY. Studio looking for makeup volunteers

I have been contacted by Mana Products to see if an volunteers are interested in a makeup session at the Soho, New York Studio. Please contact Adrienne if you are interested. It looks like their web site is www.manaproducts.com We are working on a new cosmetic line of gentle, effective products to conceal rosacea and other skin flaws and create …

2. Extina, Ketoconazole you can use on your face

A formulation of Ketoconazole 2% for treating seborrheic dermatitis called Extina is currently being promoted by Stiefel Laboratories. Stiefel, which is a part of GSK, is promoting Extina as the “first and only ketoconazole foam for scalp, …

3. V-101 (Oxymetazoline) starting Dose-Finding Trials

Hot on the trail of the Phase 1 Study Results and Funding Announcement is a listing confirming that Vicept Therapeutics are soon to start dose finding trials for the treatment of the redness of rosacea. The trial will study the efficacy of V-101 Cream, applied once per day, at a low dose of 0.01%, 2 lots of mid-dose of 0.06% and 0.1%, …

4. Mediterranean Diet gives you Sun Protection

Thanks to a tip from ClinuvelNews, here is an article in ScienceDaily pointing us to some recent research that shows that a diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids can protect us from skin cancer. In countries like Australia and New Zealand that have high incidences of melanoma, this is some additional reason to follow a diet rich in these nutrients.

5. Vicept Therapeutics positive Phase I study of V-101 for redness of Rosacea

With this latest press release, Vicept Therapeutics is now well and truly out in the public view, and attracting interest from rosacea sufferers. This release of results for Phase I trials of V-101 comes after news that Vicept Therapeutics had secured funding for the development of V-101.

Now that a company name has surfaced we can put the pieces together back to 2007 when Rosacea …

6. Galderma sends Sansrosa backwards – Phase 2 Dosage Trials Again

In yet more proof that Galderma wants to sit on the drug known as Sansrosa, a new August 2010 Phase II dose finding study has been listed at clinicaltrials.gov.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rosacea News July 2010

Rosacea News July 2010

1. The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

Just published in the June 2010 edition of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology is a study comparing “Finacea in combination with Oracea” with “Metrogel in combination with Oracea”. Seeing this abstract published makes me want to let out a loud groan. So much of what we see as recently published rosacea research is just recycled sameness.  The actual result of most …

2. Pyratine XR offers long term benefits

Always quick to generate a press release, Pyratine XR has been seen some recently published research, this time on the long term efficacy when treating mild to moderate rosacea. This latest research is in addition to the …

3. The Innovation of Natural Ingredients in Skin Care products

Are skin care products better for your skin, and less likely to be bad for rosacea sufferers, just because they contain natural ingredients ? Of course the answer to this seemingly simple question answer is not straight forward.

Regardless of the answer to this question, the interest in natural products to treat …

4. ROSIE: a new Rosacea Expert Group

With this recent abstract we learn about a new group of International Rosacea Experts.

Up until now the best known group of rosacea experts was organised by the National Rosacea Society, and was referred to as the Rosacea Expert Committee.

The NRS Expert Committee over the years has been responsible for amongst others the 4 following landmark rosacea publications;

Standard Classification of Rosacea
Standard Grading System …

5. NRS Blog highlights ocular demodex bacteria correlation

The NRS Blog has an article today which is an easy to read summary of some recent research into ocular symptoms and demodex mite bacteria. Mites and Eye Symptoms A new study has found there may be a link between ocular rosacea and bacteria associated with Demodex mites, microscopic inhabitants of normal skin that tend to …

6. Generic Oracea in First Quarter 2011 ?

A market analyst report just published speculates that Mylan Inc. may be in a position to market Generic Oracea as soon as the first quarter of 2011. These speculations are based on the successful outcome of a trial set down for December 2010 where Mylan will argue …

7. DRx AFC Medirepair (Arazine) now available in Japan

Signum Biosciences have announced that their first generation “Signal Transduction Modulator” product, AFC Medirepair (Arazine), is now officially available in Japan. From the product web site, the product has some other related products names such as Skin …

8. Vicept Therapeutics gets funding for V-101

News across the business web sites today a new company obtaining funding for a patent protected alpha-adrenergic receptor based treatment for the redness of rosacea.

Vicept Therapuetics is based in Malvern in Pennsylvania and is a privately held company.
From Fidelity Biosciences Joins $10M Series A for Vicept Therapeutics

“We are delighted by the strong investor interest in this round of financing which will allow us to …

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rosacea News June 2010

Rosacea News June 2010

1. How many people suffer from Rosacea ?

One of the areas of research that attracts attention in the press and it also interesting to rosacea sufferers revolves around how many people have rosacea. The latest 2010 estimates from the NRS suggest that 16 million Americans suffer from rosacea, up from the last estimate of 14 million.

The incidence of rosacea is studied because there is a belief that the statistical analysis will …

2. Just how does Finacea work ?

I’m not sure that I have laid awake at night wondering about how exactly finacea does it’s thing, but as Rosacea News had a stab at Just how does metrogel work ? a while ago, an attempt at covering Finacea’s method of action is only fair.

It is interesting to consider how finacea works especially if that knowledge might lead to …

3. Vitamin D may help the Flu as well

Vitamin D continues to attract interest as does the list of ailments that are now associated with this nutrient. We know from previous studies that Vitamin D modulates the production of cytokines, thereby suppressing inflammation, but here we see that this has been linked not to rosacea, but viral infections such as the flu. Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and the Incidence …

4. Finacea now available in Canada

Canadian rosacea sufferers have up until now been unable to officially use Finacea. Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals have announced that Finacea is now available in Canada. Finally Canadians can get access to Finacea via prescription bringing them …

5. What rosacea topic do you most want to read about ?

If you could ask for a topic for an article on rosacea, what would you ask for ? I have been approached by someone who is contemplating writing an article that would be interesting for rosacea sufferers to read. This article could be published in a magazine or journal and depending on the topic could contain some useful research as well. So here …

6. Foamix to trial foaming topical minocycline

The prescription topical market for rosacea seems to be somewhat crowded. Sufferers have the choice of the metrogel family, finacea as well as the potential to try acne topicals such as retinoids. So far there hasn’t been a proven topical anti-biotic per se. Metrogel and Finacea have anti-inflammatory properties, but are not classified as anti-biotics.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Rosacea News May 2010

Rosacea News May 2010

1. Cetaphil RestoraDERM for extra dry skin and Eczema

Already available in Canada, Cetaphil will introduce a new line of products for dry sensitive skin in August in the US. The line is called RestoraDERM and is targeted at Eczema sufferers who struggle to maintain the natural moisture balance of their skin. For those rosacea sufferers who also …

2. Research Briefs: IPL, Laser and Stress

Here are brief mentions of recently published papers that look interesting to rosacea sufferers.

1. Intense pulsed light in the treatment of non-aesthetic facial and neck vascular lesions: report of 85 cases

IPL treatments were given 4-6 times 3 weeks apart. 35 rosacea `lesions’ were studied overall. The abstract links the results of rosacea and Poikiloderma of Civatte together, saying that the vast majority of lesions …

3. NRS on Beta Blockers and flushing

In the latest edition of Ask the Doctors, Dr. Jonathan Wilkin, chairman of the NRS medical advisory board answers the question `Do beta-blockers help reduce flushing from rosacea?’.

The answer is brief but I’m encouraged to see the NRS discussing further the possibility of using beta blockers for flushing in rosacea sufferers.
In severe cases, a beta-blocker may sometimes be prescribed to help reduce emotionally triggered flushing …

4. Atralin Gel (Tretinoin 0.05%) being trialled for the redness of Rosacea

The Clinical Trials Register is listing a new trial today for a topical retinoid, Atralin Gel 0.05% for the treatment of the redness and broken blood vessels of rosacea. Officially the trial will look at the redness, telangiectasia, …

5. SIG990 Excellent for Redness, several years away

In a recent email to Rosacea News, Dr. Eduardo Pérez, VP of Operations at Signum Biosciences has confirmed that SIG990 is undergoing preclinical safety/toxicology testing as required by the FDA before clinical trials can commence. You can see this confirmed at the company’s web site: Pharmaceutical Development Pipeline. Signum Biosciences has several molecules under development, SIG990 is their lead candidate for rosacea. …

6. Afamelanotide (Scenesse) now available in Italy

Clinuvel has announced today that Italy has pre-empted the approval of Afamelanotide by the FDA in the US by approving it for the treatment of erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP).

7. An interview with Colin Dahl from Australian Sciences

Our first guest is Colin Dahl, Chief Scientist at Australian Sciences and the author of A Practical Understanding of Rosacea, Part 1: Heat Regulation and the Warm Room Flush Phenomenon that has been of great help to many rosacea sufferers. We hope you will find these interviews an interesting read.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Scenesse now available in Italy


Clinuvel has announced today that Italy has pre-empted the approval of Afamelanotide (Scenesse) by the FDA in the US by approving it for the treatment of erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP).

Despite the relatively small number of participants in the Italian trial to treat EPP, and the small number of EPP sufferers thought to directly benefit from this therapy, the approval by Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) is significant because it confirms Afamelanotide’s efficacy and safety and also that national medicine agencies are willing to rapidly approve afamelanotide.

Clinuvel have also announced that afamelanotide will be marketed under the brand name of Scenesse (pronounced “sen-esse”). From today onwards, Clinuvel will adopt SCENESSE in all references to the drug in its further global clinical development.

Related Articles

Scenesse now available in Italy


Clinuvel has announced today that Italy has pre-empted the approval of Afamelanotide by the FDA in the US by approving it for the treatment of erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP).

Despite the relatively small number of participants in the Italian trial to treat EPP, and the small number of EPP sufferers thought to directly benefit from this therapy, the approval by Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) is significant because it confirms Afamelanotide’s efficacy and safety and also that national medicine agencies are willing to rapidly approve afamelanotide.

Clinuvel have also announced that afamelanotide will be marketed under the brand name of Scenesse (pronounced “sen-esse”). From today onwards, Clinuvel will adopt SCENESSE in all references to the drug in its further global clinical development.

Related Articles

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Rosacea News April 2010

Rosacea News April 2010

1. Gut Bacteria and Xifaxan get some press coverage

April 30th, 2010, by David Pascoe

The St. Louis-Dispatch has an article today exploring the link between the overgrowth of small intestinal bacteria and rosacea symptoms for some rosacea sufferers. New way to treat skin disorder By Cynthia Billhartz Gregorian, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, 04/29/2010 … Weinstock is not a dermatologist. He’s a founding partner …

2. Ocular symptoms match Demodex Bacteria reaction too

April 29th, 2010, by David Pascoe

This paper is one more small achievement using statistics to try to build a picture of how demodex mites might be involved with rosacea symptoms. We have learnt from recent research that rosacea sufferers are sensitive to 2 particular types of bacteria that have been isolated in demodex mites. This study further establishes that a reaction to the bacteria correlates to ocular …

3. Light Masque: a LED array from the future

April 27th, 2010, by David Pascoe

The Daily Mail has a recent article looking at a futuristic LED array that wraps around your whole face. Along with a brief review of the device, the author finds it hard to wrap their mind around the claimed …

4. NHS should stop funding Homeopathy: MPs

April 26th, 2010, by David Pascoe

A recent submission to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has said that using public money on the highly-diluted remedies of homeopathy could not be justified. The cross-party group said there was no evidence beyond a placebo effect, when a patient gets better because of …

5. NRS Announces 2010 Research Grants

April 23rd, 2010, by David Pascoe

The National Rosacea Society has announced a new round of grant funding. Three new studies have been given a grant as well as continuing the ongoing research of 3 studies. Research Grants Awarded Thursday, April 22, 2010 The National Rosacea Society (NRS) has awarded funding to three new studies and continues to fund three …

6. RRDi journal Issue 1 Review: an unfortunate mix

April 21st, 2010, by David Pascoe

The RRDi recently published the first issue of their journal. Rosacea News was given a pre-print version to review. Volume 1, Number 1 is 88 pages and is available for around $15. I was quietly hopeful that a publication `produced by volunteers and written by dermatologists, physicians, researchers and patients’ could be something worthwhile and progressive for the field of rosacea. Sadly my …

7. Accutane Dose 22mg a day compares well to low doses of Doxycycline

April 20th, 2010, by David Pascoe

A paper that Rosacea News previewed in November last year: Accutane dose of 22mg a day works best: EADV has now been published in the JDDG: Journal of German Society of Dermatology. As we learned from the …

8. Every cloud has a silver lining

April 18th, 2010, by E.L. Hodge

European rosaceans unable to fly right now might temper their frustration with the thought that the subtle atmospheric changes caused by the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull might just be helping their symptoms. The volcanic stuff being spewed into the air is rich in sulphurous materials. Sulphur, of course, is a well established rosacea topical. Now, you may be sure that this is no desperate effort …

9. Cure Your Rosacea: ebook review

April 16th, 2010, by David Pascoe

I was sent a copy of the ebook that is for sale at www.cureyourrosacea.com to review. Here are my thoughts on what the author says took 10 years to discover and write. I wasn’t that thrilled to see the web site that sells this ebook sporting a blue+yellow sunflower theme. The sunflower theme has branded rosacea-support.org for several years now and I …

10. Signum Biosciences developing SIG990 for Rosacea

April 15th, 2010, by David Pascoe

A company called Signum Biosciences is developing a new product to target rosacea. Based on a technology that they call G-protein Modulators, GPMs are said to “restore signalling imbalances in the cell”. A first generation product called Arazine is soon to become available and a second generation of products are to target rosacea, psoriasis and eczema.

According to Signum Bioscience’s Development Pipeline, SIG990 is in …

11. Placebo Treatments work even if you know they’re fake

April 14th, 2010, by David Pascoe

An interesting piece in the Australian media recently looking at whether treating patients knowingly with placebo treatments might actually offer some benefits. I have always been fascinated with the whole placebo effect. How exactly can our belief …

12. Inkjet that Sprays on Skin Cells for Burn Victims

April 12th, 2010, by David Pascoe

A press release via Reuters details a new and exciting alternative to skin grafts for burn victims. The method includes some stem cells which allows hair follicles and sebaceous glands to develop in the new layers of skin.

This development offers another possible avenue for rosacea treatments similar …

13. Face Transplant Recipient gets donor’s Rosacea

April 10th, 2010, by E.L. Hodge

As we all well know there are lots of things worse than rosacea. And, it turns out that one of the things worse than rosacea is having half a face. You see, James Maki who last year received a partial face transplant reports that, in spite of now being permanently red faced on account of the donor being a rosacean, he is very pleased …

14. Oracea and Metrogel FREE for low income no insurance

April 9th, 2010, by David Pascoe

Being prescription items, Oracea and Metrogel 1% are too expensive for many rosacea sufferers, even those with basic medical insurance.

Thanks to a tip from chenoarae; Oracea and Metrogel 1% are both available for free for residents of the US who don’t have insurance of any sort and are on a low income.

Some pharmaceutical companies offer a Patient Assistance Program (PAP) where they provide their …

15. Rosaliac UV Fortifying Anti-Redness Moisturizer with SPF 15

April 8th, 2010, by David Pascoe

La Roche-Posay are not particularly well known in the rosacea world but they do sponsor the National Rosacea Society and have a range …

16. Treating Dry Eye with Intense Pulsed Light

April 7th, 2010, by David Pascoe

KGMH Denver Channel 7 has a piece today, Drop-Free Dry Eye Treatment, highlighting the use of IPL for treating suffers of chronic Dry Eye.

17. Behind the statistics are Real People

April 2nd, 2010, by E.L. Hodge

A.D. 63.  Rome.  Public speaking is central to political and cultural life: an ordeal for most people; a nightmare for Roman rosaceans. The philosopher, Seneca, offers consolation to Lucilius, who is likely afflicted with ruddiness, flushing and blushing. ‘Certain people have ordinary blood,’ he says, ‘ and others just have an animated, lively sort of blood that comes to the face quickly.’

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Rosacea News March 2010

Rosacea News March 2010

1. Rosacea is just a drop in the Internet Ocean

March 31st, 2010, by David Pascoe | in the news |

Those that have been around the rosacea online community for a while tend to be very focused on rosacea. If you ask Google how many people are searching for particular keywords you can see a bit more perspective on where rosacea fits in the global internet consciousness….

2. Biochemics Patents Vasoactives to Enhance Laser Treatments

March 30th, 2010, by E.L. Hodge | flushing, laser therapy, patents |

Today we welcome a new writer for Rosacea News – E.L. Hodge. Great to have you and we are all looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts !

How to best optimize laser and IPL treatments has long been debated. Should the rosacean deliberately engineer a flush prior to treatment? Should anti-inflammatories or anti-hypertensives be taken after treatment? Of course, many have long since reached …

3. RRDi Calling for Papers for Volume 2

March 29th, 2010, by David Pascoe | research foundation |

Following on from RRDi publishes first edition of their Rosacea Journal is a call for papers for the next Volume. Call for Papers, RRDi Journal Volume 2 We welcome articles on any aspect of rosacea for the second volume of the RRDi Journal. Health professionals and researchers are invited to submit research articles, clinical trial …

4. British film crew seeks NHS patient with rosacea

March 27th, 2010, by David Pascoe | in the news |

A production company is preparing to shoot a film on rosacea for the NHS Choices website and would like to include a case study. The ideal candidate would be someone whose rosacea is being treated by a dermatologist under the NHS, who is progressing well with those treatments, and can speak fluently about what is involved. They will also be interviewing a rosacea specialist/dermatologist, who …

5. Galderma’s President on the dermatology market

March 25th, 2010, by David Pascoe | galderma, in the news |

A few short quips from the President of Galderma, François Fournier, on his thoughts on the dermatology market. Just a couple of points below that were interesting. For one, Galderma invests more in R&D

6. Oracea should be tested against Generic Doxycycline

March 24th, 2010, by David Pascoe | galderma, oracea, tetracyclines |

This just published abstract is looking at recent advances in the use of the tetracycline family in treating rosacea. Of course a lot of the interest in subantimicrobial dose doxycyline has been motivated by the introduction of the Oracea to the market. A previous published study instigated by Collagenex (now owned by Galderma) showed that 100mg doxycycline was no better than oracea in …

7. April is Rosacea Awareness Month, spread the word

March 23rd, 2010, by David Pascoe | in the news, research foundation |

I haven’t ever got that excited about the annual awareness month for rosacea, as, well I’m quite aware of it.

It is obvious though, from looking around the population that plenty of people are not aware of the condition.

Why don’t you, as a reader of Rosacea News, do something …

8. rhinophyma (permanent rosacea nose) research updates

March 20th, 2010, by David Pascoe | rhinophyma |

A few updates for rhinophyma have been published recently, worth mentioning here as a quick update. Carbon dioxide laser treatment of rhinophyma: a review of 124 patients. (Br J Dermatol. 2009 Oct;161(4):814-8. Epub 2009 Jul 14.) Gives the conclusion that “The CO2 laser is an effective and durable treatment for rhinophyma. Treatment carries …

9. Clarifoam EF good for Rosacea, Acne and Seborrheic Dermatitis

March 19th, 2010, by David Pascoe | acne treatments, seborrheic dermatitis,topicals, user reviews |

This just published paper details a `new’ product that comprises a slight twist on an old formula. It seems that much of modern research and development involves tweaking existing treatments to see how their efficacy and product lifecycle can be extended.

This new product is known as CLARIFOAM EF Emollient Foam, …

10. Clinique Even Better Skin Tone Corrector, is it for you ?

March 17th, 2010, by David Pascoe | clinique, skin care |

“Here’s the chance to virtually undo the visible evidence of sun damage, dark patches, age spots, even acne scarring. Gently. For all ethnicities”. So says the promotional material for Clinique’s Even Better Tone Corrector and makeup. “Not even a leading prescription ingredient is faster in creating a more even skin tone”. Sounds too good to be true. Also sounds like it might be …

11. RRDi publishes first edition of their Rosacea Journal

March 16th, 2010, by David Pascoe | research, research foundation |

Brady Barrows has announced that the RRDi has published the Journal of the Rosacea Research & Development Institute: Volume 1 Number 1, 2010. The journal has been produced by volunteer rosacea sufferers and consists of `articles by …

12. Finacea Plus (get $2 off CeraVe and $10 off Finacea)

March 12th, 2010, by David Pascoe | finacea |

Many rosacea sufferers don’t get to see how the large pharmaceutical companies are marketing rosacea treatments to physicians. The program list from the recent AAD meeting in Florida gives an idea of where and how these companies think they can best promote their prescription products. Recently Rosacea News highlighted what is seen as Galderma’s quest to own the rosacea market. Here we …

13. Can you treat Acne with your iPhone ?

March 10th, 2010, by David Pascoe | LED Therapy, acne treatments |

Thanks to ClinuvelNews for highlighting the a $1.99 USD application available for your iPhone that is said to treat your acne. The application displays a red or blue screen which you then hold up to your face, supposedly allowing your skin to be treated while you make a phone call. Here are example screen shots of what the introductory and red and blue …

14. Galderma wants to own the Rosacea Market

March 8th, 2010, by David Pascoe | galderma, in the news |

Galderma is a large multinational pharmaceutical company. They don’t have much in the way of internet blogs and online chatter so it is hard to get a feel for what makes them tick. In recent years Galderma has become the heavyweight of dermatology, especially in rosacea treatments. The program list from the recent AAD meeting in Florida gives an idea of where Galderma …

15. Dermalogica Close Shave Oil, it really works !

March 5th, 2010, by David Pascoe | shaving, skin care, user reviews |

I have to admit that I hate shaving. It seems such a waste of time to me. Every morning I need to devote 10-15 minutes to scrape the dead wire-like hair off my face. Not only is it messy, but it hurts. I have tried an electric …

16. Microskin now available in the US

March 4th, 2010, by David Pascoe | makeup, topicals |

Recently that the Australian company Microskin has opened an office in New York. The Brisbane office opened in July 2005, with the NY office opening in January 2010. Microskin mention rosacea as one of the conditions that they treat. The product is slated as a simulated second skin. The product is applied using a Stipple (a special type of sponge) …

17. Assess your skin age and apparent likelihood to get rosacea

March 3rd, 2010, by David Pascoe | in the news |

A recent article from ABC7 featuring a skin analysis tool called VISIA Complexion Analysis System. The article suggests that the system uses multiple measures, including a porphyrin count to predict how likely a person is to get acne or …

18. NYP Hospital looking for trial participants, oral rosacea treatment

March 2nd, 2010, by David Pascoe | clinical trials |

Department of Dermatology, New York Presbyterian Hospital at Columbia University The Clinical Research Unit is seeking men and women, at least 18 years old, to participate in a research study of a new oral investigational treatment for Rosacea. The study requires 10 visits over 16 weeks. Participants may be eligible to receive: Free facial skin examinations …

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Rosacea Skin Care

Finding what Rosacea Skin Care regime works for you is almost the most important step that any rosacea sufferer can take. It seems a bit too simple to be decisive, but time and time again we read about rosacea sufferers who get a heap better after they find the best moisturizer, sunscreen, cleanser even makeup that suits them.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Rosacea News Jan/Feb 2010

1. Rosacea features on ABC-TV’s Good Morning America Health

ABC-TV’s Good Morning America Health has featured rosacea in a 7 minute segment broadcast on January 21st.

On the table you can see Oracea, Metrogel and Cetaphil products, all from Galderma. One shot shows the new Cetaphil UVA/UVB Defence SPF 50 as well …

2. Prescription topicals go on first

When rosacea sufferers are first diagnosed it can be confusing to know how to include prescription topicals into their daily skincare regime. Rosacea patients want to know both that their expensive prescription medication has the best chance of working …

3. Apremilast from Celgene being trialled for rosacea

The first time you hear of a new drug, you probably ask – what is it ? Well are you ready for a marketing mouthful – “Apremilast is a novel, orally available small molecule compound that exhibits anti-inflammatory activities through the suppression of multiple pro-inflammatory mediators including, TNF-alpha, interleukins 6, 17 & 23, and interferon-gamma among others.” Apremilast (CC-10004) has been trialled for …

4. Q&A with Clinuvel on Afamelanotide and Melanotan

There is a lot of interest amongst rosacea sufferers surrounding the possibility of some kind of systemic treatment that will offer better UV protection. Especially for those with severe triggers from sun exposure, treatments like Afamelanotide look promising. The CEO and Director of Clinuvel, Dr Philippe Wolgen, was kind enough to answer some questions relating to their developments and any potential tie-in with …

5. Nielson disciplined over Nase’s misrepresentations

The Texas Medical Board has issued a press release with a list of their most recent discipline orders. One of its orders relates to Dr. David Nielson.

Dr. Nielson became known to rosacea sufferers via the way that his Rosacea Institute of Texas was heavily promoted by Geoffrey Nase. The results being promised and the treatment protocols proposed raised the suspicion of some rosacea …

6. Albert Kligman, Acne and Rosacea Pioneer dies at age 93

The name Albert Kligman has been associated with dermatology for a very long time. Perhaps best known for his work with the acne treatment Retin-A, Dr. Kligman is credited with more than 1,500 publications on acne, rosacea, eczema, contact dermatitis and skin aging. According to Albert M. Kligman, 93, dermatology researcher, Dr. Kligman cowrote 14 books, beginning with Textbook on Dermatology, published by …

7. Just how many people have Rosacea ?

The prevalence of rosacea is an often reported fact. Most media releases will start with a statement of the number of rosacea sufferers in the US.

The latest 2010 estimates from the NRS suggest that 16 million Americans suffer from rosacea, up from the last estimate of …

8. 7 Up and Coming Acne Treatments

A recent abstract has highlighted some new acne treatments that perhaps many haven’t heard of before.  As these treatments might not be on the radar for rosacea sufferers I thought it might be useful to highlight them here. Veteran rosacea sufferers will know that many acne treatments are too harsh for rosacea sufferers. Experience seems to show though, that some rosacea sufferers can tolerate …

9. Photodynamic Therapy is being used for cancer too

Photodynamic Therapy (a treatment usually consisting of a photosensitizing agent, light and tissue oxygen) is gaining popularity for its ability to treat more than just skin diseases. Internal organs and cancer sites are now being treated with PDT using endoscopes and fibre optic catheters. Even though some research papers about rosacea and PDT are available, as a rosacea treatment the usage of …

10. Suffering as bad as it gets; Erythropoietic Protoporphyria

A blog posting at Clinuvel interviews a family struggling with the severe disease Erythropoietic Protoporphyria. Parents Wendy and Ralph talk about the distress and anguish at seeing their young children suffer the pain of EPP. Also known as absolution light intolerance, Erythropoietic Protoporphyria (EPP) is caused by a build up of protoporphyrin in the skin. Exposure to the sun causes these molecules to …

11. Natural treatments may be deadly

Several Australian newspapers are running a story today about the risk that comes when people self-diagnose, self-treat and buy supplements off the shelf of a supermarket.

The whole idea of natural treatments is very appealing to many rosacea sufferers. There is certainly a group of rosacea sufferers who see prescription treatments as too artificial and too likely to cause harm. As it almost always the case …

12. Rosacea Psychology questions answered

Every so often, when we are able to solicit the help of experts, the Rosacea Support Group assembles questions that we need answered. Recently we put some questions on the psychology of rosacea to Professor Peter Drummond, Ph.D., from the School of Psychology at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia, and his colleague Daphne Su, D.Psych, Clinical Psychologist (Registrar) with the Department of Health …

13. Dr. Syed charged for posing as a doctor

Quite a few news sites today are covering the filing of charges of and arraignment of rosacea identity “Dr. Syed”.

Known to rosacea sufferers as Tanweer A. Syed MD. PhD, 66 year old Timothy Syed Andersson is facing 51 felony charges including practicing medicine without a license, grand …

14. Aesthera Isolaz now targets rosacea symptoms

A recent segment on ABC-TV’s Good Morning America Health featured rosacea.

One slant put on this television story was promoted by a followup press release that highlights the use of Aesthera’s Isolaz technology.  In the past Aesthera’s combination of `pneumatic energy’ and broad band light has been used to treat the pustules and inflammation of acne.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

most popular subscribed posts at rosacea-support.org

Visitors to http://rosacea-support.org can leave comments on any of many hundreds of blog pages. When a comment is left, the visitor is able to subscribe to a post. This allows them to receive an email when the next visitor leaves a comment.

Looking at the top subscribed pages gives an idea of how popular some pages have become. Here is a list of the top subscribed pages.

Monday, February 08, 2010

how do you find cheap rosacea treatments ?

So just how do you find cheap rosacea treatments ? Ask any rosacea sufferer and they will cringe when quizzed on the cost of treatments. Especially prescription treatments are scary, but even the stuff that the cosmetics counter will try to sell you will hurt your pocket.

In my quest to cut through the needless expenses here is my list of the cheapest ways to treat rosacea.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rosacea News December 2009

Rosacea News December 2009

1. Feeling depressed about rosacea ? get some help here

Does coping with rosacea sometimes get you down ? Finding good advice on how to cope with the anxiety of rosacea can be hard to find. Well now you have an opportunity to ask some questions of experts. Psychology Question and Answer session Professor Peter Drummond, Ph.D., from the School of Psychology at Murdoch University …

2. Afamelanotide continues promising results

Clinuvel is announcing more positive results with its trial of the melanin boosting drug afamelanotide for the disease polymorphic light eruption (PLE). Even though this condition is rare and it is a stretch to say that treating rosacea with this drug is a given, it is still interesting to follow the development of this drug. Today’s press release relate to the continuing …

3. Standard Management Options: according to Subtype

This paper is Part 2 in the series of Standard Management Options for Rosacea. Part 1 was devoted to the Overview and Broad Spectrum of Care. Now, Part 2 will expand to discuss management options according to the …

4. Standard Management Options: Broad Care

Authored by a who’s who of Rosacea Experts, the National Rosacea Society has again brought about a publication that puts a stake in the ground for rosacea treatment and management. …

5. What do you want to see on rosacea.org ?

The National Rosacea Society wants your input to determine what information you would like to see on their web site. As the most popular rosacea web site on the internet, rosacea.org is often the first stop for newly diagnosed …

6. Glowelle Beauty Drinks – a rosacea supplement ?

Nestle, who along with L’Oreal are the parent company of Galderma, is promoting a beauty drink called glowelle. Their buzz word rich marketing includes references to antioxidants, phyto-nutrients, botanical fruit extracts and more. The ingredients are said to fight harmful …

7. Finacea Foam being trialled

We’ve seen it with metrogel; the pharmaceutical companies want to expand the market for their existing successful products by creating followup products. A Clinical Trial is underway to test Finacea Foam for the papules and pustules of rosacea. Finacea has proved to be a good option for the `acne like’ symptoms of rosacea. Safety and Efficacy of …

8. Book Review: Rosacea: Diagnosis and Management, Frank C. Powell

Professor Frank Powell has created something quite valuable for rosacea sufferers and their physicians, an authorative and approachable medical text. Author: Frank C. Powell Review Date: December 2009 Available at Amazon.com …

9. Efracea is the UK version of Oracea

Publications filed with the UK and EU health and approval authorities suggest that Galderma is marketing the 40mg modified release doxycycline (known as Oracea in the US) as Efracea in the United Kingdom. Other member countries …