Sunday, December 10, 2006

Re: [rosacea] Not sure whats going on........

Hi Michael, so sorry to hear of what you are dealing with. What you are describing sure sounds like my situation the last year or so. I have had rosacea a long time though but not with these symptoms. Just the last year or so with the symptoms you are describing. Are you saying that you have not be diagnosed with rosacea yet? You should go see a dermatologist. But it sure sounds like rosacea. So sorry to hear that for you. You are in a good place for knowledge though. Keep talking to this group.

Take care,

mkurk102 <> wrote:
My face seems to get red easily and i first noticed my ears getting
hot and red. As I began to pay more attention during a flare up I
have noticed my nose, cheaks and neck get red and hot as well. I have
no pimples. This can occur anytime, but seems to happen most while
eating or just after and during stressful times. Its can last from a
few minutes to hours. This has been going on for atleast three years
and as time has gone on I have noticed that my complexion stays more
reddish even when not having an acute flush. Could it be is not high blood pressure because I have
checked my BP during a flare up and it isnt high. Thanks in advance
for any ideas.

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