this is what i got "The topic or post you requested does not exist"
----- Original Message -----
From: Jenny Nairn
To: rosacea-support@
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 2:31 AM
Subject: [rosacea] Re: LED therapy - Dr. Nicholas Perricone
Hi Elizabeth
It is good to see light therapy getting more coverage. I have a home
made low level red LED array that I've been using since May this
year. Well, I was a bit slack with it for the first few months or so
but once it was mounted above my bed in September, I have been
religiously doing it every night. In fact, I often fall asleep under
it! Anyway, this is how my array looks now (it's the bottom post on
the page):
I find it really helps to calm my face and would recommend it to any
of my fellow Rosies.
--- In rosacea-support@
> Hi all you LED fans and interested rosaceans:
> I'm interested in this therapy myself and thought I'd tell you
that I just watched a PBS program - another one with Dr. Nicholas
Perricone called "Seven Secrets to Beauty". One of the things he
mentioned during the program and again while being interviewed at
the end was red and blue light therapy for skin conditions. He
specifically mentioned red light therapy for rosacea and said that
light therapy is a very exciting new area.
> Just thought I'd share.
> Elizabeth
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