Thanks Emily. So once I get this under control maybe I will do every other day too. That would be nice!
Take care,
i'm sensitive to lots of meds....a low dose minocycline was ok for me temporarilyt.
i took it for a cpl months i think then weaned off.
----- Original Message -----
From: Elena Mutter
To: rosacea-support@
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 3:47 AM
Subject: Re: [rosacea] Having alot of problems lately
Thank you for your suggestions. Minocycline sounds as if it might be in the doxy family? Maybe it is one I can take. I'm allergic to penicillin so I am limited. Boy, you hit the nail on the head when you said "fear grips our mind". That's pretty much what I am fighting because of the memory of what it was like for me two years ago. Interestingly, last night I stopped everything. I just washed my face with the Eucerine Redness Relief and let it air dry with nothing on. No oils, no Noritate, no moisturizer.
Take care,
mansi desai <mansid_2000@
Dear Elena
I am so sorry you are going through this,Its very
disturbing when rosacea gets out of control and fear
grips our mind and we try and try but there is no
I had pretty bad flareups about 2 years ago and
Minocycline 100mg taken as 2 doses of 50 mg a day or
one does of 100mg a day did the trick for me
I would recommend Giving it a try if you already
Havent, it took about a week but I saw a 50%
difference in a week
But please take Probiotics or have Lots of Yogurt when
on them to avoid Yeast Infections.
Hope this helps I will Pray for you
and please let us Know what worked for you
Take good care.
> Elena,
> Re the eyes part of it, curious, do you consume much
> caffeine? One person
> on this list posted that deleting caffenated
> beverage from their diet pretty
> much cleared their occular symptoms. I know for
> myself, I normally have
> very mild occular symptoms, -except- when I drink
> coffee or black tea and
> then my eyes get irritated. It's also a flush
> inducer for me, so I dropped
> it from my diet. Some people think caffeine is
> innocent because
> technically it is a vasoconstrictor and should be
> helpful, but plainly for
> some of us it is not.
> Also, I'm curious... has your work environment
> changed at all?
> Specifically, do you work under fluorescent
> lighting? A dermatologist once
> laughed at me because I told them that was one of my
> worst triggers, but
> it's true, and I'm not alone. Fortunately, I've
> worked from home for the
> past three years. When I look at how my rosacea has
> progressed in the past
> decade, it coincides with the period where I was
> spending alot more time at
> the office. (and chugging alot of Starbucks) At
> this point I would fight
> tooth and nail to avoid having to work under those
> lights on a regular
> basis.
> Have you tried Thera Tears? A lot of rosaceans seem
> to really like that
> brand of eye drops. As for the burning, have you
> tried any COX2 and/or
> LOX5 inhibitors? (too technical to go into, but a
> google will retrieve all
> the data you could want) There are both natural and
> synthetic versions. A
> natural one is the herb Boswellia. Back in March,
> I was getting some mild
> burning sensations and taking Boswellia for a month
> appeared to stop them
> completely, though it probably also has to do with
> the fact I eliminated
> dairy products and corn from my diet around that
> time, my two all time worst
> rosacea offenders. (in the foods category,at
> least) In any event, the
> burning has not to this point returned.
> I realize the above is not terribly concrete for
> your situation, but hope it
> may prove helpful.
> Brian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Elena Mutter
> To: rosacea-support@
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 8:27 AM
> Subject: [rosacea] Having alot of problems lately
> Hi Everyone,
> Well, it's offical that I am in a pretty bad flare
> at this point. I am
> flushing constantly now. It seems to be mostly
> afternoon, but now it's hard
> to say; it's kind of constant to a low-level degree
> and then it will
> intensify and then go back to this low-level
> flush/burn. Last night my right
> eye hurt when I closed it too tight and when I
> washed and looked in the
> mirror I noticed there is a bump on the lower
> outside lid of the right eye.
> I have never had styes or the chalazon's I've heard
> talked about. I know
> that winter is bad for me but this is a whole new
> level. The last month I
> have introduced the RED LED acnelamp, and the Aveeno
> Ultra Calming line of
> skin care products. But it could be a coincidence as
> I was noticing redness
> of a more permanant nature and increased burning
> since October. My eye
> doctor also reccomended that I stop taking the 80
> milligrams of doxy and go
> back to the 40 milligrams and switch from Patanol
> eye drops to Elestat eye
> drops and
> Restasis Eye drops. I have been doing that for
> about a week. And I am a
> total mess now. I am burning and flushing on face,
> ears, top of head, and
> eyes........
> If I put my hands on top
> of my head you can feel the heat. If I put my hands
> close to my face, again,
> you can feel the heat. I am so afraid this is going
> to go into what happened
> to me a few years ago. I can't cope with that again.
> It was pretty
> unbearable not to be able to even be touched by your
> childs hand. Not to be
> able to have clothes on without excruciating pain.
> So far, it is just my
> face, eyes and head, but that is how it started
> before too. It is clear that
> dermatologist don't know how to handle this disease.
> Please, does anyone
> know what kind of doctors handle flushing disease??
> I am in a very bad place
> right now and crying is killing me! I find that I am
> better when I first
> wake up but as soon as I get going.......
> shower and start my day
> it goes bad very fast. I hate and am afraid of
> drugs but I'd take anything
> that stops flushing right now, I just can't do this
> anymore! What are the
> best ones for flushing again.......
> lyrica and there were
> others too right? I read Dr. Nases passages last
> night for the eyes and he
> reccomended Borage Seed oil too, but didn't we
> establish here that Borage
> seed oil made us flush? And now Evening Primrose oil
> too? Why is it so
> contradictory?
> just very desperate and
> depressed now. The derm will see me next Tuesday and
> I am waiting for a call
> from my eye doctor but it is depressing because I
> know it will come to
> nothing and I will just have to pray it goes away
> again.......
> it doesn't this time?? That's the fear that haunts
> me.....
> ~Elena
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