Hi Brian,
I have already done my research on the water, and don't have hot
showers any more, and I also gradually drop the temperature lower
until almost cold before drying off with gentle patting.
I had read about water filters, and the one thing that makes that
difficult for me is the fact that my work usually involves a lot of
travel internationally; so hotel rooms won't let me attach something
like that, but I definately will at home!
Thank you for the tip on trying distilled water...it is strange you
mention this because I could almost swear that water is a trigger for
me...and no one can go without bathing/showering!
this and hope for the best.
At the moment the P&P's are settled. My doctor has said that at the
moment I am a very "mild" case; but I do not even dream it will stay
that way without any care on my part.
I have as yet not met anyone with skin as sensitive as mine appears
to be with things others can use; so whilst I am sorry you too have
the skin sensitivity problem; I also don't feel so alone...almost
like no products, or few, are best for me. I will check out the
Rosacea line as I would love a decent moisturizer for after walking
in sunshine...and yes; I wear a hat. :))
I think my problem is quite like yours; the itching and dry/tight
feelings are worse for me than flushing. I "feel" the flush, but if I
look in a mirror, often there is nothing to see....it's so strange.
I definately tend towards the atopic too...and even a simple
sensitive skin wash can irritate.
Thank you for taking the time to write me all the info; I reallly am
--- In rosacea-support@
> Re the shower, make sure the water is not overly warm, heat the
bathroom a
> bit first if it's cold in there instead of using overly warm water.
> Also, you may wish to try filtering and/or softening the water.
You can buy
> relatively cheap filter units many places, BUT pay enough to get a
> quality unit, very preferably one that utilizes KDF technology.
Some untis
> are inefficient, get a good one. I've always found Sprite a
reliable brand.
> Softening water is the process of removing the calcium and
magnesium, which
> sound benevolent, but some rosaceans that live in areas with harder
water (a
> large amount of those minerals in the water) have had increased
> As a test, you might try washing your face with distilled water
first and
> see if you get any improvement after a week or so. I don't have
P&P's, so
> I'm not certain how much doing this will help that aspect, but man,
it sure
> helped me with the dermatitas aspect, the itching and dryness, and
I notice
> I am more reddish when I do bathe under straight tap water.
> Also, I really like the RosaceaCare line. I do have sensitive skin
but I
> can always count on their products to be non-irritative for me, and
my skin
> texture is more like it was pre-rosacea.
> Brian
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