Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Re: [rosacea] Success?

Did you have IPL or IPL with RadioFrequency (RF)? Do you know the difference
between the two? I just had a FotoFacial RF and its been about a week and,
although red and swollen at first, I am starting to see a bit of
improvement. Thanks for the help and I hope every thing goes well. Happy

>From: Liz Crawford <>
>Subject: Re: [rosacea] Success?
>Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2006 20:36:30 -0800 (PST)
>I had a lot of success with IPL treatments (3 in
>total). Last summer my rosacea was totally out of
>control (full facial flushing, ocular symptoms, and
>swelling on my cheeks and chin), despite the fact that
>I was taking an oral antibiotic (minocycline) and
>using a topical treatment. The IPL worked so well
>that even my dermatologist was shocked by my
>improvement. I have minimal flushing across my cheeks
>and nose in response to heat but that's about it. And
>I'm no longer taking an oral antibiotic or using any
>topical treatments (although I do still use restasis
>eye drops).
>That said, I should note that following each laser
>treatment my symptoms would always get worse before
>getting better. Right afterwards I was okay. Then
>about a week or so later I would start to flush, etc.,
>which would gradually taper off over the next few
>Regarding my experience more generally, the big issue,
>in addition to cost (I spent $1,200 overall), was
>finding a competent laser practitioner. That's one
>thing I got from reading the posts on this site- how
>important it is to go to someone who's good. I went
>to Vein Solutions in Indianapolis, IN (Dr.
>So for me, the IPL was definitely worth it (I think I
>was especially lucky in that I tolerated the laser
>really well - no burning, etc.). I was so depressed
>this past summer every time I looked in the mirror at
>my red and swollen face. I'm not 100% cured (still a
>bit of redness and enlarged pores), but it is so much
>better- really looks pretty normal.
>I hope this isn't too much detail. I just know that
>it was very helpful for me to read about other
>people's experiences with IPL (and other treatments)as
>well as their comments on various doctors.
>Best of luck.
>--- hothead907 <> wrote:
> > Has anyone actually had any success in beating their
> > rosacea without a
> > myriad of pills, vitamins, or topical solutions?
> > What about laser
> > treatments or IPLs or other forms of therapy? I
> > highly doubt anybody
> > who has had success even visits this group anymore,
> > but for those
> > people who have beat it and still visit the forum,
> > please let us know
> > what worked for you. Thanks.
> >
> >
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