Saturday, December 09, 2006

[rosacea] New Member Flushing Myself From Lurk Mode :)

Hi to everyone,

I was diagnosed about a month ago with Rosacea, and it was no gradual build
up for me; just bang and I went from clear skin to burning, itching and

At first my Doctor thought it was an allergic dermatits and placed me on
low-dose hydrocortisone cream. I used it sparingly for a few days and then
went back due to read blotches on my chin still not clearing.......the
burning and itching were reduced, but not the appearance.

I am going to confess I refused the antibiotics he tried to give me as the
only one left to take for infections is Tetracycline, and I am frightened of
getting desensitized to them.

I have read and read, like all you of......and have as many creams as a
pharmacy. Nothing really works.......I just need a new face........or

I do seem to have a flushing pattern on time....and for me it is around
10.30pm at night......and showers seem to really aggravate this. Taking
morning showers made NO difference; I still flush and burn.

Jojoba oil? Ahhhhhhh........I got a rash on my inner arm.....I never apply
anything to my face now without an allergy test......and I reacted to this
oil which is totally pure.

I have tried all cleansers, name it; I have tried it.
Nothing works, and this is a really depressing illness that doctors seem to
know little about.

I have so far found one thing that is soothing for my skin, and that is
washing in pure water; if makeup has been used for work etc [I use cover fx
normal foundation now] then I clean my skin with a cream called ego, and
regardless of make up or no make up, I moisten my face after with cotton
balls soaked in apple cider vinegar; 1 cap to a cup of pure water. I let
that dry naturally.

My one soothing preparation is quite complex, and seems to leave me with no
need for moisture.......and that is simply one tablespoon olive oil [light
virgin], one tablespoon pure coconut oil, one tablespoon of maunka honey
16+bioactive, and a few dops of vitamin E. I then add a heaped tablespoon
of oats; and just put this all over my face and neck......gently....very
gently massaging the oils into my skin.....

I only do this twice a week; and my skin is certainly smoother and not as
dry as it was before I was doing cure...but so far the best
I could come up with....and it does give a nice radiant glow for a make up
base for special occassions....of which I don't much feel like attending of

I still flush, but my "outbreaks'; like acne, but not acne. have greatly
reduced since only washing in water and then the apple cider vinegar.

So, this is where I am at. I'm like the rest of you; just trying to muddle
through....and some days are very, very depressing.

This is just my "hello" message, and a little about my thoughts of this
facial nightmare......I even dream of skin.... :))

I so look forward to posting and exchanging messages with all of you
here........after reading so many of your struggles I feel sad that any one
has this disorder.

Take Care,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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