Thank you for your suggestions. Minocycline sounds as if it might be in the doxy family? Maybe it is one I can take. I'm allergic to penicillin so I am limited. Boy, you hit the nail on the head when you said "fear grips our mind". That's pretty much what I am fighting because of the memory of what it was like for me two years ago. Interestingly, last night I stopped everything. I just washed my face with the Eucerine Redness Relief and let it air dry with nothing on. No oils, no Noritate, no moisturizer.
Relief wash and then nothing and see how I get through today. And the increased doxycycline and the new eye drops for the next three days and then I'll take as much information as I can to my derm on Tuesday.
Take care,
mansi desai <mansid_2000@
Dear Elena
I am so sorry you are going through this,Its very
disturbing when rosacea gets out of control and fear
grips our mind and we try and try but there is no
I had pretty bad flareups about 2 years ago and
Minocycline 100mg taken as 2 doses of 50 mg a day or
one does of 100mg a day did the trick for me
I would recommend Giving it a try if you already
Havent, it took about a week but I saw a 50%
difference in a week
But please take Probiotics or have Lots of Yogurt when
on them to avoid Yeast Infections.
Hope this helps I will Pray for you
and please let us Know what worked for you
Take good care.
> Elena,
> Re the eyes part of it, curious, do you consume much
> caffeine? One person
> on this list posted that deleting caffenated
> beverage from their diet pretty
> much cleared their occular symptoms. I know for
> myself, I normally have
> very mild occular symptoms, -except- when I drink
> coffee or black tea and
> then my eyes get irritated. It's also a flush
> inducer for me, so I dropped
> it from my diet. Some people think caffeine is
> innocent because
> technically it is a vasoconstrictor and should be
> helpful, but plainly for
> some of us it is not.
> Also, I'm curious... has your work environment
> changed at all?
> Specifically, do you work under fluorescent
> lighting? A dermatologist once
> laughed at me because I told them that was one of my
> worst triggers, but
> it's true, and I'm not alone. Fortunately, I've
> worked from home for the
> past three years. When I look at how my rosacea has
> progressed in the past
> decade, it coincides with the period where I was
> spending alot more time at
> the office. (and chugging alot of Starbucks) At
> this point I would fight
> tooth and nail to avoid having to work under those
> lights on a regular
> basis.
> Have you tried Thera Tears? A lot of rosaceans seem
> to really like that
> brand of eye drops. As for the burning, have you
> tried any COX2 and/or
> LOX5 inhibitors? (too technical to go into, but a
> google will retrieve all
> the data you could want) There are both natural and
> synthetic versions. A
> natural one is the herb Boswellia. Back in March,
> I was getting some mild
> burning sensations and taking Boswellia for a month
> appeared to stop them
> completely, though it probably also has to do with
> the fact I eliminated
> dairy products and corn from my diet around that
> time, my two all time worst
> rosacea offenders. (in the foods category,at
> least) In any event, the
> burning has not to this point returned.
> I realize the above is not terribly concrete for
> your situation, but hope it
> may prove helpful.
> Brian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Elena Mutter
> To: rosacea-support@
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 8:27 AM
> Subject: [rosacea] Having alot of problems lately
> Hi Everyone,
> Well, it's offical that I am in a pretty bad flare
> at this point. I am
> flushing constantly now. It seems to be mostly
> afternoon, but now it's hard
> to say; it's kind of constant to a low-level degree
> and then it will
> intensify and then go back to this low-level
> flush/burn. Last night my right
> eye hurt when I closed it too tight and when I
> washed and looked in the
> mirror I noticed there is a bump on the lower
> outside lid of the right eye.
> I have never had styes or the chalazon's I've heard
> talked about. I know
> that winter is bad for me but this is a whole new
> level. The last month I
> have introduced the RED LED acnelamp, and the Aveeno
> Ultra Calming line of
> skin care products. But it could be a coincidence as
> I was noticing redness
> of a more permanant nature and increased burning
> since October. My eye
> doctor also reccomended that I stop taking the 80
> milligrams of doxy and go
> back to the 40 milligrams and switch from Patanol
> eye drops to Elestat eye
> drops and
> Restasis Eye drops. I have been doing that for
> about a week. And I am a
> total mess now. I am burning and flushing on face,
> ears, top of head, and
> eyes........
> If I put my hands on top
> of my head you can feel the heat. If I put my hands
> close to my face, again,
> you can feel the heat. I am so afraid this is going
> to go into what happened
> to me a few years ago. I can't cope with that again.
> It was pretty
> unbearable not to be able to even be touched by your
> childs hand. Not to be
> able to have clothes on without excruciating pain.
> So far, it is just my
> face, eyes and head, but that is how it started
> before too. It is clear that
> dermatologist don't know how to handle this disease.
> Please, does anyone
> know what kind of doctors handle flushing disease??
> I am in a very bad place
> right now and crying is killing me! I find that I am
> better when I first
> wake up but as soon as I get going.......
> shower and start my day
> it goes bad very fast. I hate and am afraid of
> drugs but I'd take anything
> that stops flushing right now, I just can't do this
> anymore! What are the
> best ones for flushing again.......
> lyrica and there were
> others too right? I read Dr. Nases passages last
> night for the eyes and he
> reccomended Borage Seed oil too, but didn't we
> establish here that Borage
> seed oil made us flush? And now Evening Primrose oil
> too? Why is it so
> contradictory?
> just very desperate and
> depressed now. The derm will see me next Tuesday and
> I am waiting for a call
> from my eye doctor but it is depressing because I
> know it will come to
> nothing and I will just have to pray it goes away
> again.......
> it doesn't this time?? That's the fear that haunts
> me.....
> ~Elena
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