Saturday, December 02, 2006

Re: [rosacea] Tamara and z cream (was ponds cold.....)

Elena, If you take the B vitamins (they recommend) take half capsule 2 daily(because of the niacin) only half each time. I take B50....yes there are so many out there. I try to eat as normal as possible, simply avoiding the known triggers, Salmon is the most recent, thankfully now well over a week, and no more salmon for me. Since the salmon, I have not had any flushes at all (i think over a week now). Tonight I had a baileys (drink) added milk and whipped cream and some cinnoman....did not flush (had 2) hehehee so happy! Elena, can you drink this, or have tried it? what happened? Anyway, I am simply happy over the past week, no flushing at all, and god it makes my day go well, you know No worries. Elena, anyway on the forum there I go by TKR (tamara) you will see alot of info. that will take you on the journey, and hopefully the break out period will not last as long as it did me. This was the hell of it, up and down....but it does get better! tamara

Elena Mutter <> wrote: HI Tamara,

Yeah, sounds like we eat similar. My problem is that I LOVE and CRAVE carbs, but I find once I get off them and go "cold turkey", then after a time I'm okay to limit them. My food reactions are too subtitle for monitoring really. I don't tend to eat something and then have an immediate or even near immediate very noticeable reaction. It's more of a build-up thing for me. Only two times did I ever eat something and immediately know the food had caused me a problem. Once with two sips of red wine and once after chinese food. I have had chinese food since and had no problem but I am too chicken to try the wine again. As close to an immediate reaction as I ever get is oranges/orange juice (which I LOVE but avoid like the plague), and tomatoes/sauce (which, being Italian, is....or rather WAS, a staple for me). Not this bad flushing and redness type reaction, but just uncomfortable enough to know something is off. Face, scalp and eyes just a bit more "stingy" an d
sore. I do happened to love sweets though. But again, stay away for the most part. Although my sweet of choice is fruit and again, I have never noticed any out and out bad reaction. I just know that the sugar is a bad thing even though it is in a beautiful, healthy fruit. Almost all I drink is water too. I'll have one cup of coffee a day. I too love grape juice and cranberry juice and I know for people without any problems those are good juices when you are buying natural ones, but I figure for me it is a no-no..........but again, not because I noticed a reaction, just the sugar/carb thing. I used to be a huge tea drinker when I was younger and now I am going back to it hoping that some of these teas are beneficial and also since I am limiting so many foods I like "hot" drinks because I am totally full after a cupa something warm and I use Stevia as a sweetner so it feels like I had a dessert............killing two birds with one stone (hunger and sweets). I am
afraid of the B vitamins that have the niacin since I do flush now. I am taking one (forgot what it is now; just added it recently). I think I'll look to see what foods contain more B vitamins and try to incorporate it that way. There are so many B vitamins though! What's up with the B's LOL? It's hard to eat in a way you don't find appealing though, isn't it? I mean, I am just not a meat eater. Never have been. All I like when it comes to animal eating is fish. The only time I ever craved meat was with my first pregnancy. I couldn't stand even being around fish and I couldn't get enough beef was like I was in bizarro-land LOL.........very odd. I just get tired of eggs, chicken and beef very fast and fish is way too expensive for a family of 6 to have every other day. Now if I could disguise the meat by eating breaded chicken cutlets, and meat loaf and meatballs then I'm all set LOL..........but that kinda defeats the purpose. Ah, well, I have< br> a 50th birthday party to go to tonight. The menu ought to be interesting. I'll be the one sucking down the gallons of water and eating all that plain green salad (thankfully, I LOVE salad..........just gotta keep the croutons from teasing me). Thanks for sharing your dietary habbits, Tamara.


rose jill wrote:
Elena, I have been eating very carefully and i keep a journal of my triggers, as we are all different it can be tricky. Mites thrive on sugar, so I really watch what I eat that contains sugar (thankfully I am not a sugar person) so no big deal. I find for fruit : papaya, watermelon,apples(low histamine too), things like this is o.k....also I never put sugar in my tea or whatever...stay away from sugary deserts and so on. I of course eat chocolate now and again (never said im perfect haahah) but in moderation is the key. When you are using the z cream, take vit B daily as they recommend. I take half capsule 2 daily (because of the niacin) and I drink lots of water, and take acidopholus nightly (3 cap non dairy form) to keep dairy at bay and help my immune system. I try to eat very healthy and I dont eat bread much. Elena, I dont want to sit here and tell you what to eat and drink, we are all different and just keep in mind of your triggers and keepin a journal
helps me
tremendously. I dont drink juice accept grape juice and orange juice (not as often though). I dont drink pop at all, so this is me though. Elena, keep in touch and take it easy. luv tamara

Elena Mutter wrote: Oh gee Tamara, thanks so much for telling me this! I'd have definitely got the shampoo without knowing this. YIKES! That is VERY odd though, isn't it? I'll have to go spend some time on the demodex site and read up on things. I unfortunately had pizza for supper tonight (Friday pizza night)........usually I just pass but I felt like having a piece so I did. Nothing happened, but I still shouldn't have. Hopefully all the water I've been drinking will keep anything bad from happening. I have forgotten if you mentioned it, but have you also taken the carbs and sugar out of your diet as you do the z cream? The hardest thing for me is to try to keep the fruits to a minimum because I am a fruit maniac. It's easier in the winter because it's mostly summer fruit that I can't get enough of. Anyway, thanks for catching me before I made an oder for this.

Take care,

rose jill wrote:
Elena, Ive seen and heard things about people using the z cream and shampoo at the same time with not good results. Weird but, one lady had the mites under control, and then she bought the shampoo and whammo, they all came back on her forhead and she had a heck of a time getting rid of them??You know how these buggers run?? dont know whats behind it, but I would not recommend the shampoo for your scalp when starting the z cream just in case. My opinion here from what ive gathered. Elena, another thing is always use a fresh face towel and bathing towels daily, and when working out (if you do) always use a fresh towel because of the sweating. I dont mean to be harsh here but when you go the their messageboard and read the posts, there is alot of valuable info. there that has great info. so this does not encourage the mites to repopulate an abundance and cause you problems. Good Luck elena, and let me know when you start, I am praying for you, luv tamara

Elena Mutter wrote: Hi Tamara, thanks so much for all this. I will definitely not use the z cream I have from two years ago. I'll probably make an order this weekend. I think I want the shampoo too because my scalp has been so itchy for so long now I may as well give it a shot when I decide to start. My prescription Nizorol shampoo doesn't seem to do much now. I guess it will take a while for me since it's been over 20 years I've had rosacea. Yikes. But Brady still uses the z cream for maintenace I think. I looked in my natural health books just to see what they may have on demodex mites but that had nothing specific about them. Just parasites in general. That you could take wormwood and black walnut drops internally to help chase away parasites but I have no idea if there would be any benefit at all with the demodex. Thought I'd give it a look though. Today was better than yesterday. So unpredictable. It's getting so all I want to do is drink water
and green tea and eat eggs
and almonds. It's the only thing I am sure won't hurt me at this point. Strange life we lead. But I'd do about anything just not to feel on fire. Just getting by feels like Heaven. Know what I mean? I am sure you and everyone here knows exactly what I mean. We're probably the most grateful group of people in the world for even the smallest relief. Does anyone else come alive on cloudy days with cool breezes? New England has had the most amazing two days here. It's been between 60 and 70 degrees, but very little sun and the breeze has been just Heavenly..........would love to bottle it and keep it for all year. And the air has been moister. Very nice. Anyway, thanks again Tamara. Now send me off to sleep with the story of how much softer your skin feels...........LOL

Good night,

rose jill wrote:
Elena, o.k, I can tell you I have done my homework on the mites and learned alot over the few months ive been taking it, and want to help you in any way i can. First off, the shelf life for z cream is 2 years and once opened walter (from dem solution) 6 months. So if you are over 2 years, its probably best to buy another jar, the last thing you need is to have more problems. There is a post on their messageboard about this too (in case your wondering). Also, the acarid soap many have chosen over the other cleansing soap, so i would suggest to you to buy the acarid soap and the z cream. This is my opinion, you will love the acarid soap because it really gives your skin a good cleaning and keeps the mites away. Elena, when you decide to start the z cream, please only use a very thin layer on your face...and ive learned the best method because it takes time for your skin to adjust..wash with acarid soap..then put water on your face a little to go on then put the z
cream over
(the water) because it keeps it from being pasty and dry. This is a vital step ive learned, because at the beginning, yours eyes will be very sensitive (mint) strong so you will feel your eyes like crying almost..but it subsides within 5 minutes. And the thin layer of z cream is crucial over little water to moisten because its less pasty and you dont need to put alot on. Anyway, elena I am going to be on the z cream for 150 days (as ive spoken to walter about it) and then on a maintenance program (every other day) regime. I want nothing but happiness for you, and you have been through enough, I am so very confident this is your ticket too elena, and I also want to add that if you have access to a physician nearby who can also check under a microscope to ensure this before you start, this can make a huge difference too, that way you are 100% sure and there are no if and or buts about it, you know what i mean!...
Elena, the way ive learned about the mites and so on, the more severe cases take more time healing, of course it varies from person to person, but just know that for example ive had rosacea for maybe 7 years approx, so with all of the damage it has done to my skin...takes time to completely heal the skin inside out. Hang in there and please keep us all posted and if there is anything i can do to help you on your way i am here for you! luv ya lots.....tamara
p.s...most break out at the beginning and it does get worse, but this is also a good sign, because you will know you are killing these buggers and it does require alot of patience, it is a roller coaster ride, you will be dry skin, and for me at the beginning i felt itching and crawling sensations, moving, its very hard to explain WEIRD nevertheless, i also had very itchy scalp when this occured (the buggers were running)lol. Elena, you will know with your gut feelings while you are on the stough if its the mites youll see. bye 4 now tamara

Elena Mutter wrote:
Hi Tamara,

It sure is a rollarcoaster ride..........those were the EXACT words in my head last night as I was eating supper! Thank you for all your encouragement and letting me pick your wonderful brain about the z cream treatment. I went to the demodex site last night and I am very curious about the rest of the line too. If these mites play a major roll for some or most of us then shouldn't we also use all the other stuff too? If I use z cream and I make my face a "hostile environment" for them to live on, won't they just move to other parts of me/us? So it would seem to make sense to use the shampoo and body soap too, wouldn't it? I wonder if anyone has used them and if they are too harsh. If the z cream and acarid soap dries us out then wouldn't the shampoo and body wash too? All I know is that looking at all those products just made me imagine how good I could feel if it were all true. I am very curious about the face wash. It sounds like it would be mildier than the< br> acarid soap. I pulled out my jar of z cream that I bought 2 plus years ago when I thought I'd give it a go and could not find an expiration date on it so I don't know if it expires or not. Got a feeling that anything that potent is it's own preservative and there are no worries. Still, I am thinking I will wait until Christmas vacation. Although is there really ever a good time for this sort of thing? Probably summer when no one from my son's school really has to see me LOL..........but really it's not so much the vanity thing as it is the "getting worse before better" thing. I never used to be such a chicken but I think I have been in pain for so long that I am becoming hypersensitive and turning into chicken little over here. I was always good at taking the pain but it's the burning, heat and hotness I can't seem to take. Wish I was stronger. And then for me (don't know if any of you experience this weird little feeling) there's that nagging "okay, they say near
100% success rate and so far I have not chatted with even ONE person on line who's tried it and it didn't work for them, so this is my last shot. My last resort and if it fails. If I'm the 1% it doesn't work for.........." I don't know if I could take the crash of that. It's stupid really; I know, but we've all been let down so many times and I'm sure everyone has their own feelings of different methods that they feel are the "one", the "last resort" typ of just feels scary to lose that hope. I've seen how disappointed people are with the lasers and IPL when they fail. It is such a betrayal; you can just "hear" it in their posts; the sadness and shock that it either did nothing for them or made them worse. Sorry, this is long. But to me the z cream and the RED LED light therapy and the diet seemed to make the most sense and I think it's just getting me a little nervous is all. I guess because for me these approach es seem the easiest and least
invassive (except for the getting worse for a while with the z cream)........safest if you will. Okay, I've rattled on long enough. Anyway Tamara, thanks for everything and let me know what you think of the other products on the demodex site and if you think it is something that is needed or do you think just the z cream? Haven't heard anyone say they ever used the other products. The cream seems to be enough.

Take care,

rose jill wrote:
Ahh Geesh Elena, I wish I can take your pain away, and have all the answers. It is such a screwed up skin problem which can sometimes be so impossible to fiqure out. It is always a roller coaster ride with this, and please dont ever give up, and I remember the last time we spoke, you were having a bad day, and the next day was so much better. Elena, you email me anytime, and if you ever just want to vent....I am here! we are all here to express ourselves and I will always be here for you, Elena do you keep a journal with your daily regime?. It can really make a difference too. Please email me, o.k tamara

Elena Mutter wrote: Thanks Tamara,

You know, yesterday (Tuesday), I noticed a weird and surprising improvement. My skin was less pink/red, my eyes were doing better and I felt pretty much like I did about 2 years ago back when every waking thought was not about Rosacea and how much burning and pain I was in. Can't say I did anything different. I chalked it up to letting go of the stress. Just saying and accepting whatever my mom or husband do to me I'm just not in control of so I just won't stress about it. Honestly, I was almost walking on air yesterday................until 3p.m. rolled around. Now, I did absolutely NOTHING and I mean nothing..........but at three o'clock my eyes felt "warm", like they had a fever. The skin of my face felt "warm and flush" too. By four o'clock when denying the feelings could not be done anymore, I put an ice pack around my neck as I finished cooking supper and then looked in a mirror...........sure enough, from the sides of my nose exte nding out to my cheeks were
all pink and rosy............a flush. Again, I have only experienced two of those in my entire life and only one was explainable due to a few sips of red wine. I have no idea of what is going on. And today, (Wednesday) I am still feeling this way. I am just so down and scared and worried and sad. Is this ANOTHER new phase? Unexplained, constant, low-level flushing?? I am not in extraordinary pain but my eyes feel hot and feverish (and by the way, look perfectly normal) and my face and head are warm to hot and my cheek area is definitely pink to red. I'm so afraid that this is going to turn into the year I burned from head to toe and could not even stand clothes to touch my body! I truly just cannot take one more thing with this disease. I didn't do anything. I swear............I didn't eat anything or drink anything out of the ordinary I just can't do this anymore.....what is wrong with all of us???


rose jill wrote:
Elena, yes...go to you can go to messageboard and look at the posts there and get alot of info on the forum. And at the main site where it says will see hilda before and after (one year) and look at the difference. Elena, for me my break out started on the 5th day i believe it was, and did go crazy for awhile...but these are the signs of mite activity...the break out can last a long while, and it will be a roller coaster ride(at least for me it was) and you will get weird things going on...but my eyes were the first to see marked improvement within 2 weeks. Elena, ya try to start at a time where you dont have to worry. The dryness is not easy, but it is renewing your skin. take care tamara

Elena Mutter wrote: This sounds like such a good thing Tamara. So you could actually take the z cream a little on your eyebrows and in your ears? I never thought to put the Tea Tree oil in my shampoo. That sounds like a better idea than just buying Tea Tree Shampoo and conditioner. I used it once a long time ago and was not impressed with how it left my hair but putting the oil in my Trader Joe's shampoo might be worth a try. So there is a support forum with demodex solutions users? Just type in I'd like to go there and see the pictures and hear the stories. I'm so glad you are doing so well with this Tamara! I may try it during Christmas vacation where I will have a little time when I don't have to be "seen" so much. How long before you felt human again and could be seen LOL? When I tried it last year I only did it for about a week and then chickened out because of the dryness of my skin. I'm very tempted to give it another go.
Thanks for all your help.

Take care,

rose jill wrote:
Elena, I know what you mean about the eyes, believe me. I swear I thought at times i was going blind (literally). My eyes were always bothered, itchy, irritated, sometimes puffy, red, and gritty feeling! it was such a burden for me, I felt so helpless. I put the z cream in my ears and on my eyebrows. I swear the bas..... are the cause of my rosacea. Also, i put tea tree oil in my shampoo for my scalp (drain the suckers for good) and i bathe in Epsom Salts (mites hate it). I feel like ive lost so much of my life, because of these hellish devils, I will drown the rugrats to death if I have to set them on fire I would lol. Elena, I feel like I can see again, and another thing, if you look at the demodexmite forum...look at the pictures and look at HILDA is her name and i have been in touch with her alot...she after one year is rosacea free...and look at the difference in her skin (amazing). Elena, I wash my linens and add a drop of tea tree oil to them, I use a fresh

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