Hi Emma,
I agree that there could be a problem with the new Vit. E and rosehip combo oil that I found at Trader Joes. I have stopped it (have stopped EVERYTHING at this point). Not sure about the jojoba oil as I've been using it quite awhile but we all know how that song goes. And I think I even remember one of our members (sorry, can't remember who now) mentioned that she was loving the jojoba oil and used it for some time until one day it just was not working any more so she had to stop; so there is that. I did use Rosa Mosquita rose oil by Aubrey for the summer and never had a problem. Who knows?! Thanks for your input.
Take care,
Emma Waghorn <redaction@blueyonde
On 8/12/06 00:08, "Elena Mutter" <emgm42000@yahoo.
> ... Then, while my face is still wet, with my wet hands I
> put on my wet face two to three drops of jojoba oil
> (recently added vitamin E oil with rose hip oil to
> this though).
Is there any chance that you might be reacting to any of the oils, Elena? I
only ask because I reacted badly to rosa mosqueta oil when I applied it
undiluted to my face -- it produced localised redness and a burning
sensation. I can't find any reference on the Web to possible sensitivities
or allergies to the oil; in fact, most of the sites selling it say things
like "And because the ingredients in rosa mosqueta oil are all skin
bio-compatible, there is no risk of a sensitive/allergic reaction." But at
the time I wasn't using anything else, and my skin returned to normal as
soon as I stopped using the oil. (What does "skin bio-compatible" mean
And both jojoba and Vitamin E oil occasionally trigger sensitivity or
allergic reactions, apparently. They're not common, but they're not rare
Wouldn't it make sense to cut out the Vitamin E and rosehip oil, just in
All the very best,
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