i too have used hypnosis throughout my life, and continue to use various cd disks. it's a good thing.
----- Original Message -----
From: joy menary
To: rosacea-support@
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: [rosacea] PULSE DYE LASER
You are very welcome. We shouldn't be so hard on ourselves, everyone thrives when they are loved and feel safe/protected, I suppose the challenge is creating that for ourselves rather than empowering others to give us that 'peace of mind'... I'm an currently working with a hypnotist to help me change my thought patterns associated with anger, responsibilty, fear... all of the emotions that can trigger me to feel out of control.. maybe hypnotism might be a step in the right direction too???
Elena Mutter <emgm42000@yahoo.
Take care,
joy menary <joyyums79@yahoo.
Hi Elena,
Thank you for the very nice email. I am impressed by how much you know about this stuff already. To answer your questions: I was fortunate to never have had any Mercury fillings. In regards to the parasites: a combo of Black Walnut, pumpkin, gentian root.. in fact, here is Dr Szulc website, I believe the parasite cleanse is on the site, as well as all the cosmetics I use- Miessence- an australian brand- all certified organic- no sulfates, preservatives, - nothing you couldn't eat!!
I think what it comes down to is that I was always so challenged to find the next 'answer', I realized there is no answer (for me) maybe for others there is.. rosacea is a very complex disorder, and I think we've done people a huge injustice by viewing it in such a singular context... we deny ourselves the ability to really treat it when dermatologists are the only dr's to take it on- they still can't even cure acne!!!
I left out a huge component and that is STRESS REDUCTION... and knowing one's body.. I began to listen to my body- foods, stress, exercise and I think that was a big thing for me..
Please let me know what has worked for you..
Elena Mutter <emgm42000@yahoo.
Hi Joy,
Did you end up taking out silver amalgam fillings for the mercury toxcity? I began that process with what was supposed to be a good holistic dentist. He really knew his stuff. I've always been convinced that the mercury fillings were a BIG part of overall bad health. Most of them are out now but I got so much worse (not sick but my teeth were in huge amounts of pain for years after) that I stopped going to him. Anyway, just curious. It sounds like you found a great doctor there, but unfortunately, holistic MD's are few and far between. What approach did he/she take in regards to the elimination of parasites, if you don't mind sharing? I know that wormword, black walnut hull, raw pumpkin seeds and coconut are ways of naturally eliminating them but am curious if there are also other things to do. It sounds like you have really gotten on track. I am very happy to hear how well you feel. I have always believed that all disease and especially skin problems is your
body trying to eliminate the crap that we are exposed to. We live in such a toxic world and it is very hard to try to do all these things for yourself without the help of some specialist that knows what they are doing. I'd be interested to hear more of story. I'm in Massachusetts and know of two medical doctors who also lean to holisitc type treatments. One is also a Homeopath. Anyway, good to hear some of your story. Very uplifting and interesting.
Take care,
joy menary <joyyums79@yahoo.
I would love to share with you all the details:
I'll begin with prefacing my experiencing with stating that I too went through the entire gamut: topicals, antibiotics, all of the stuff that many people on this group have discussed; from cleaners to eliminating histamine foods to looking into H.Pylori to Demodex mites- none of which brought real relief- only temporary abatement of symptoms- which also still flared even while taking all the drugs.
My relief began when I visited a Dr. by the name of Dr. Thomas Szulc, here in NYC. He is a traditional doctor who has also studied non-traditional modalities. He subscribes to the belief that ALL disease stems from underlying viruses, bacteria, yeast, parasites..
I began treatment last fall. My initial consultation it was determined that I would go off the following: 20mg, twice/day of Doxycycline,
I was diagnosed with the HHV-6 virus, Fluke(an intestinal parasite), candidiasis from all the antibiotics( I was also taking a lot of acidophilus- but if you're body is not assimilating it- it's not working), and lastly, heavy metal toxicity. I went through the various treatments to eliminate the viruses and yeast and heavy metals... it was amazing- my skin cleared, I began to sweat in response to heat- not turn red or flush, I was able to to perceive situations for how they were rather than as a situation that I would blush in... the newfound health was not just about my skin, I began to even see the past few years with rosacea as a gift - my body was trying to tell me I was sick and I wasn't listening- I gave the ability to heal myself over to Dr's who just perpetuated a cycle of toxicity through drugs, topicals,...
Another huge part of my health was my diet, now that I was able to absorb nutrients and minerals again ...
I began the following: All organic Fruits and vegetables, no Gluten(inflammatory
rosacea anymore I can bounce back. The reason that I am even doing the PDL is to get rid of the few capillaries and slight redness that still lingers from the past 12 years that I suffered. I have a lot more to share with you- I can't stress enough that if you are not doing great with your skin right now that the PDL might be like painting a wall that has chipping paint and dirt - I know that you probably want to do the surgery really bad because it provides a lot of hope and that in itself is healing but maybe make sure that you are working with an enlightened doctor who you see REAL results from... I will never forget the feelings of elation when my true healthy body began to shine- .
Please feel free to look into the Cynergy 3:
maybe you'd like to call and find a derm in your area that uses the cynergy 3-
I will write more later with some more details..
nic <nic_s_3@yahoo.
I'd greatly appreciate any more info you could provide me with PDL, Joy. My doctor only offers the V-beam, but I'd be interested to know locations where they perform Cynergy in case there's one that's not too far from me. I'm in Arizona. I'd like to know the joules used, and how long do you find that you're bruised and/or have increased pinkness/redness. Would you say that you didn't really notice the change until 1 month later or was it noticeable sooner? I was also wondering why you didn't have a good experience with the Candela V-beam. My skin has become more pink since a full flare that started in January, and now my eyes are blood shot and sore all the time. The flushing has improved, but its still bad when I sleep at night and I feel like I'm getting pinker everday. I don't have the papules or pustules, but I do have seb derm..the skin on my cheeks and nose becomes flakey if I try to wear makeup and I'm not sure if this is seb derm or eczema or just rosacea
dermatitis. I've changed my diet a bit...although I've always eaten very healthy. I take more supplements, but nothing seems to be helping. I'd be interested to know how you changed your diet to address yeast, viruses, bacteria, and parasites. I take doxycycline (50 mg every other day) so I'm not sure thats maybe causing or at least fueling the seb-derm and skin peeling or if it has no effect. I'm a female and haven't had any female problems with taking the dox, but i do take acidophilus so maybe that's why.
----- Original Message ----
From: joy menary <joyyums79@yahoo.
To: rosacea-support@
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 3:22:34 PM
Subject: Re: [rosacea] PULSE DYE LASER
I should clarify between the pulse dye and the Cynergy 3 dual PDL+Yag. I did not have good experiences with the Candela V-Beam. I did have a great experience with the Cynergy. It has been one month since my first treatment with Cynergy, and I've noticed a substantial improvement in the visible spider veins, diffused redness, and blushing. I can find out the joules for you when I go for my second visit on Saturday. I can share with you what works for me with PDL:
I can tolerate light purpura, the treatments are ineffective and highly inflammatory for me without the purpura, and too much purpura lends itself to more hyperpigmentation and a longer recovery.
In addition to the work I have done with laser surgery, I have also completely changed my diet, addressed yeast, viruses, bacteria, and parasites in my system, and eliminated all toxic products from my life and body. I can truly say that I am on an amazing healing path with a huge decrease in symptoms(if I can call them that anymore). I would be very happy to share with you my story is you are interested.
nic <nic_s_3@yahoo. com> wrote:
Hi Joy,
Did you find the pulse dye treatments reduced diffuse redness or mainly just spider veins? Did you find after you healed from your initial v-beam that your skin improved at all. Do you know what joules were used? My doctor recommended it as well.
----- Original Message ----
From: joy menary <joyyums79@yahoo. com>
To: rosacea-support@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 12:09:43 PM
Subject: Re: [rosacea] PULSE DYE LASER
I have had several pulse dye treatments. My initial treatment was with the V-beam, in which I had considerable purpura and downtime. Last month I had the Cynergy 3 laser which is the v-beam and Yag laser- a simultaneous pulse. The results have been great- I healed in 2 weeks, the purpura and pigmentation went away quickly and the capillaries were much less noticable after one treatment.
lalie1234 <lalie1234@yahoo. com> wrote: MY DOCTOR RECOMMEND ME THE TREATMENT WITH PULSE DYE LASER.
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