Sunday, December 03, 2006

Re: [rosacea] PULSE DYE LASER

Hi Joy,

Thanks for sharing all that. I have a few questions regarding your diagnosis and treatment with the holistic doctor. How did he determine you had the HHV-6 virus, fluke, candidas, and heavy metal toxicity - was it blood tests, urine or stool, saliva...just curious. Along with your rosacea, did you also have flakey skin (seb derm or excema) because I know seb derm especially can result from fungis (possibly candidas) or at least your immune system overreacts to it. How did you find out about the doctor, and what made you decide to go see him .... did someone recommend him or you did your own investigation. Did he make the dietary modifications or did you determine what worked best for you based on trial and error. Green juices? Is this green tea or more like spirulina type greens.I bought some spirulina because I know its supposed to help with immune health so I was wondering if you use this. I'd really appreciate it if your doc knows of a good one in Arizona. I'm
definitely intersted...I also work a lot in my yard, and the Arizona soil is known to carry a lot of fungis...we have one of the highest if not the highest incidence of valley fever (where fungis gets trapped in the lungs and cause all kinds of problems).

I'm still deciding about the PDL. I'm leaning more towards doing it because I've developed a lot of vascular lesions on my face (a large circular one on my nose and TG on my cheeks). It just makes me very self-conscious and the one on my nose lights up big time when I flush. Even if it was slightly less noticeable, I think I could deal with it better. Knowing that its there, I feel like people are starting at it..........maybe they are or maybe they aren't, who knows. I think it would help to reduce my anxiety and stress if it was improved. I don't care to look perfect or even how I looked a year ago (its really only been this year that my skin dramatically changed to a pink hue with flakey skin and red dots......but I did flush a whole heck of lot this year...I'd say nearly everyday, sometimes more than once). I just want it to be less noticeable so I'm not reminded of it everytime I look in the mirror, and I can stop it from consuming my life if you know what I mea n.
I've been seeing a counciler recently because I'm just so insanely stressed (with rosacea, trying to finish up my Ph.D., find a job, etc.). Anyway, he reminds me that there's more to me than just rosacea. I have rosacea, but I also have other qualities - rosacea is just one of them. Its somewhat helpful...maybe it will be for others as well. Anyway, the last thing I wanted to ask you was about the makeup/skin care products they sell. Have you tried their mascara at all? I find that my eyes have become really bad - bloodshot and sore. I continue to wear mascara, although it contributes to the aggravation. I'm fine in humid environments with loads of mascara, but living in the desert with humidity at 15% most days makes wearing it almost intolerable. I just love mascara, and I hate the idea of not being able to wear it...I'll wear nothing on my face when its red, but giving up mascara just kills me:)

Thanks for any help you could provide.

----- Original Message ----
From: joy menary <>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:30:42 PM
Subject: Re: [rosacea] PULSE DYE LASER

I would love to share with you all the details:

I'll begin with prefacing my experiencing with stating that I too went through the entire gamut: topicals, antibiotics, all of the stuff that many people on this group have discussed; from cleaners to eliminating histamine foods to looking into H.Pylori to Demodex mites- none of which brought real relief- only temporary abatement of symptoms- which also still flared even while taking all the drugs.
My relief began when I visited a Dr. by the name of Dr. Thomas Szulc, here in NYC. He is a traditional doctor who has also studied non-traditional modalities. He subscribes to the belief that ALL disease stems from underlying viruses, bacteria, yeast, parasites..
I began treatment last fall. My initial consultation it was determined that I would go off the following: 20mg, twice/day of Doxycycline, (rosacea) Zelnorm (help me go to the bathroom) and Zoloft(to control blushing).
I was diagnosed with the HHV-6 virus, Fluke(an intestinal parasite), candidiasis from all the antibiotics( I was also taking a lot of acidophilus- but if you're body is not assimilating it- it's not working), and lastly, heavy metal toxicity. I went through the various treatments to eliminate the viruses and yeast and heavy metals... it was amazing- my skin cleared, I began to sweat in response to heat- not turn red or flush, I was able to to perceive situations for how they were rather than as a situation that I would blush in... the newfound health was not just about my skin, I began to even see the past few years with rosacea as a gift - my body was trying to tell me I was sick and I wasn't listening- I gave the ability to heal myself over to Dr's who just perpetuated a cycle of toxicity through drugs, topicals,... .
Another huge part of my health was my diet, now that I was able to absorb nutrients and minerals again ...
I began the following: All organic Fruits and vegetables, no Gluten(inflammatory ), no Dairy(hard to digest, except a little Goat's Milk or Goat's Milk cheese), no Sugar(a little raw honey occasionally) , organic chicken, organic turkey, free range lamb (no pork,no beef- overly acidic in our system)- it's best to be more alkaline. Green juices everyday, shots of wheatgrass, 45 min. of cardio to bring about sweating, 30 minutes in the sauna 2-3 times a week- again sweating (another great way to eliminate heavy metals). A focus on primarily raw foods, brown rice, good healthy fat.. tons of veggies!!! BUT,,,, if you are sick... this stuff can only go sooo far. I urge you to seek out a REALLY GOOD holistic doctor- I can ask Dr szulc if he knows of any in AZ... Back to the PDL... after everything I said it now makes sense to me why I didn't recover well from all the v-beams I did before- it could've been that I was struggling to recover and now that I am very strong without the
rosacea anymore I can bounce back. The reason that I am even doing the PDL is to get rid of the few capillaries and slight redness that still lingers from the past 12 years that I suffered. I have a lot more to share with you- I can't stress enough that if you are not doing great with your skin right now that the PDL might be like painting a wall that has chipping paint and dirt - I know that you probably want to do the surgery really bad because it provides a lot of hope and that in itself is healing but maybe make sure that you are working with an enlightened doctor who you see REAL results from... I will never forget the feelings of elation when my true healthy body began to shine- .

Please feel free to look into the Cynergy 3:
http://www.cynosure cynergy_laser. html

maybe you'd like to call and find a derm in your area that uses the cynergy 3-

I will write more later with some more details..

nic <nic_s_3@yahoo. com> wrote:
I'd greatly appreciate any more info you could provide me with PDL, Joy. My doctor only offers the V-beam, but I'd be interested to know locations where they perform Cynergy in case there's one that's not too far from me. I'm in Arizona. I'd like to know the joules used, and how long do you find that you're bruised and/or have increased pinkness/redness. Would you say that you didn't really notice the change until 1 month later or was it noticeable sooner? I was also wondering why you didn't have a good experience with the Candela V-beam. My skin has become more pink since a full flare that started in January, and now my eyes are blood shot and sore all the time. The flushing has improved, but its still bad when I sleep at night and I feel like I'm getting pinker everday. I don't have the papules or pustules, but I do have seb derm..the skin on my cheeks and nose becomes flakey if I try to wear makeup and I'm not sure if this is seb derm or eczema or just rosacea
dermatitis. I've changed my diet a bit...although I've always eaten very healthy. I take more supplements, but nothing seems to be helping. I'd be interested to know how you changed your diet to address yeast, viruses, bacteria, and parasites. I take doxycycline (50 mg every other day) so I'm not sure thats maybe causing or at least fueling the seb-derm and skin peeling or if it has no effect. I'm a female and haven't had any female problems with taking the dox, but i do take acidophilus so maybe that's why.

----- Original Message ----
From: joy menary <joyyums79@yahoo. com>
To: rosacea-support@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 3:22:34 PM
Subject: Re: [rosacea] PULSE DYE LASER

I should clarify between the pulse dye and the Cynergy 3 dual PDL+Yag. I did not have good experiences with the Candela V-Beam. I did have a great experience with the Cynergy. It has been one month since my first treatment with Cynergy, and I've noticed a substantial improvement in the visible spider veins, diffused redness, and blushing. I can find out the joules for you when I go for my second visit on Saturday. I can share with you what works for me with PDL:
I can tolerate light purpura, the treatments are ineffective and highly inflammatory for me without the purpura, and too much purpura lends itself to more hyperpigmentation and a longer recovery.

In addition to the work I have done with laser surgery, I have also completely changed my diet, addressed yeast, viruses, bacteria, and parasites in my system, and eliminated all toxic products from my life and body. I can truly say that I am on an amazing healing path with a huge decrease in symptoms(if I can call them that anymore). I would be very happy to share with you my story is you are interested.

nic <nic_s_3@yahoo. com> wrote:
Hi Joy,
Did you find the pulse dye treatments reduced diffuse redness or mainly just spider veins? Did you find after you healed from your initial v-beam that your skin improved at all. Do you know what joules were used? My doctor recommended it as well.

----- Original Message ----
From: joy menary <joyyums79@yahoo. com>
To: rosacea-support@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 12:09:43 PM
Subject: Re: [rosacea] PULSE DYE LASER

I have had several pulse dye treatments. My initial treatment was with the V-beam, in which I had considerable purpura and downtime. Last month I had the Cynergy 3 laser which is the v-beam and Yag laser- a simultaneous pulse. The results have been great- I healed in 2 weeks, the purpura and pigmentation went away quickly and the capillaries were much less noticable after one treatment.

lalie1234 <lalie1234@yahoo. com> wrote: MY DOCTOR RECOMMEND ME THE TREATMENT WITH PULSE DYE LASER.

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