Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Rosacea News July 2012

Metronidazole Gel 2% Good for Acne

Acne seems to have a lot of available treatments. Certainly compared to rosacea, acne has a bigger array of possible treatments that have been proven to be viable treatments. One of the interesting things about rosacea is that even though it can look like acne for some, generally it cannot be treated by otherwise helpful acne treatments. Rosacea sufferers with sensitive skin may well …

Just Diagnosed: JAMA Rosacea Patient Page

The Journal of the American Medical Association have released a free Rosacea Patient Page in their June 2012 edition. The JAMA have made this page available for free. This may prove useful for those who are wondering if they have rosacea and those looking for a confirmation of their symptoms. The illustration shows the full gamut of rosacea symptoms: dry, red, irritated eyes, …

Ocular Rosacea Diagnostic Test One Step Closer

In the last couple of years research has emerged that could lead to a diagnostic test for ocular rosacea. There is currently no physical test that can definitively …

More Demodex Dreaming: Mites are the Chicken?

The NRS recently highlighted a paper speculating that demodex mites are the missing link in papulopustular rosacea, or as they characterised the mites are the “chicken coming first …

Aczone Fails to Impress for Rosacea

We don’t often get to see the actual results from clinical trials. Companies are happy to receive publicity for their research and development programs, especially if a new product looks promising. If things don’t go we during clinical trials, though, it …

Using a Hair Dryer to Pre-Flush before Pulse Dye Laser Treatment

This paper is promoting the use of a pre-flush to improve the outcome of Pulse Dye Laser (PDL)Rosacea Treatments. The authors suggest that by increasing the number of …

Novartis Must Drop Fougera’s Generic Metrogel

In May this year we learnt that Novartis would be buying Fougera Pharmaceuticals . One of the products that would come over to Novartis through this deal would be …

Does Finacea improve ND: YAG Laser Treatments?

Intendis, the makers of Finacea are to trial the combination of ND:Yag laser treatment with and without the addition of Finacea during treatment. As the study will be a spilt face trial, researchers will be able to show that the addition of Finacea does, or does not make a difference to the outcome of the laser treatment. The study wills assess acneiform lesions, …

Combine Brimonidine and Oxymetazoline, Why Not?

There is plenty of interest in two molecules that are in development to treat the redness and flushing of rosacea. Both Brimonidine and Oxymetazoline have been the subject of a lot of research and development efforts in the last 3-4 years. One of the ways that rosacea sufferers learn about progress in the state of the art of rosacea research such as new …