1. Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCg) from Green Tea Shrinks Skin Cancers
An article today in the Daily Mail highlights some research into the actions of an extract from Green Tea on skin cancer tumours. Interestingly the same benefit would not be …
2. Rossoseq for the Redness of Rosacea
A new product known as Rossoseq is to be trialled as a treatment for the redness of rosacea. The trial is sponsored by a company calling itself PBB Entrepreneur Ltd. and seems to be based in Germany. 60 people are to be enrolled in the trial, which is due to be completed by October 2012. The trial sites are 4 cities in Germany: Bochum, Duelman, …
3. Comparing Sansrosa to Finacea for Redness
Galderma are surely confirming that the development of Sansrosa 0.5% Gel (CD07805/47) is nearing completion, with the posting of a proposed comparison trial with Finacea. The trial NCT01659853 will compare how effective Sansrosa is compared …
4. Evening Standard: Avoiding Facial Redness
The London Evening Standard has a Health & Beauty article today highlightinghow to relieve a red face. Dispelling the myth of a peaches and cream complexion, but staying with a fruit similie by calling it `Strawberries’ & Cream, Leah Hardy highlights the following possible ways to relieve a red face; La Roche Posay Anthelios Extreme …
5. T4O Pads (Terpinen-4-ol) for Ocular Demodex
An interesting new product that contains the main active ingredient from Tea Tree Oil has emerged in a new clinical trial listing.
The trial titled Demodex Blepharitis Treatment Study, is sponsored by a company called Tissue Tech Inc. …