1. Demodex Bacteria Inhibits Corneal Wound Recovery
This just published abstract takes the demodex bacteria based irritation line of research a step further. Researchers in Ireland were able to show that demodex bacteria Bacillus oleronius proteins induced an “aberrant wound healing response” in the cells irritated by scratch in a cornea. The aberration appeared as an elevated immune response and an chagnes in cells’ inability to move like normally …
2. Cetaphil DermaControl Oil Control Foam Wash and Moisturizer for Oily Skin
Cetaphil has launched 2 new products that are targeted at oily or acne-prone skin. The products are called, take a breath; Cetaphil DermaControl Oil Control Moisturiser SPF 30 and Cetaphil DermaControl Oil Control Foam Wash. The Oil Control Moisturizer is promoted as a lightweight 3-in-1 moisturizer for acne-prone skin. It is said to provide broad spectrum sun protection, control shine without over-drying. The SPF …
3. `My Naked Secret’ looking for Rosacea Sufferers
Live in the UK? Interesting in being a part in the My Naked Secret 2 series? The producers of this Channel 4 programme, who are based in London are looking …
4. Miranda from Sex and The City tells of her Rosacea
In a series of 6 videos, Cynthia Nixon who played Miranda in Sex and The City, talks about her battle with rosacea. The professionally produced videos point viewers to the …
5. Allergan Trialing Oxymetazoline for Facial Redness
A just-posted trial notification shows very early clinical trials by Allergan, for their product they have named AGN-199201. The double blind trial will compare 3 different formulations of AGN-199201 with with the vehicle. The decrease in redness …
6. Oracea Sales “Excellent”, Gaining Market Share
How much does Galderma earn each year from Oracea sales ? Well the actual amount is not published, but in September 2011 court proceedings we learnt that Mylan Pharmaceuticals projected sales of $260m in 2011 for Oracea. The parent company of Galderma, L’Oreal does not publish Oracea sales figures, so this press release is as close as you can find to something that …
7. “Medical Crowdsourcing” via CureTogether – the new cheap data collection method
A recent article in the Dermatology Online Journal introduced me to a new online support group site. Apparently curetogether.com is a major medical crowdsourcing site. What is crowdsourcing? Well crowdsourcing is a new buzzword which basically means to get your information from the “crowd” or as many people as you can. Online this term generally means something like “just asking everyone …
8. Oracea is Not an Antibiotic, Apparently
This claim from the Oracea web site caught my eye. Oracea is NOT an antibiotic. A bit of poetic marketing license perhaps?
Oracea is a 40mg dose of the antibiotic doxycycline, which is a member of the tetracycline family. 30mg of the dose of doxycycline is immediate release, and 10 mg is locked inside a coating that …
9. Theory: Ivermectin is Metrogel’s Cousin, Help Needed
OK, bear with me. I don’t often just waffle here as a Rosacea News item. Maybe I should. Anyway this post is just me exploring an idea. From my high school organic chemistry it seems to me that Ivermectin and Metrondizole are in fact chemically akin to cousins. I started to think about this because of the huge investment being undertaken by …
10. More Proof that CD5024 is Ivermectin
The mysterious CD5024 1% Cream for which Galderma is conducting a large Phase III trial, has further been confirmed as the anti-parasitic Ivermectin.
This latest confirmation comes from the World Heath Organisation’s International Clinical Trials Registry Platform Search Portal. The search for CD5024 reveals trials that have completed in the Czech Republic, Germany and Hungary. The register was created in 2006, the same year as when …
11. It would be hard to invent a more embarrassing disease than Rosacea
Thought this was a great line from a recent NRS Blog Posting: It would be hard to invent a more embarrassing disease than rosacea. Nice. I’m sure many many rosacea sufferers would agree.