Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rosacea News May 2011

1. Custom Cleanser and Moisturizer from

The owner of the site, Daniel Kern has created an acne treatment regime that is cheap and simple. It looks to me like any benefits to rosacea sufferers are yet to be discovered. is a large online community of acne suffers that includes a small area for rosacea sufferers. The site is run mostly by volunteers and doesn’t accept any …

2. Most Patients use Steroids for Trivial Problems

Steroid Induced Rosacea is, sadly, one hot topic.

I know this because the blog posting Treating Steroid Induced Rosacea is one of the most visited pages on this site, and is currently approaching 1000 comments. Unfortunately many …

3. Sansrosa Parallel Phase III Safety and Efficacy Trial Announced

News today of a parallel Sansrosa Phase III Trial. This just announced trial is shorter than the Long Term (52 week) Safety Trial, and seeks to confirm that Sansrosa Gel (CD07805/47) is more effective than the inactive vehicle gel and is itself a safe treatment. Trial ID: NCT01355458 (seems to be somewhat duplicated with NCT01355471) …

4. Vanicream Moisturizing Skin Cream User Reviews

I harp on about this a lot, but I think it is worth repeating. A gentle skin care regime is a good thing for your rosacea. We know …

5. Tetrapeptide-14: Now available for Eye Puffiness and Redness

Some news today promoting a product claimed to reduce the appearance of under eye puffiness. Tarte Dark Circle Defense claims the inclusion of a Helix Biomedix designed peptide sequence known as Tetrapeptide-14 is responsible for the anti-inflammatory actions of the concealer.

6. AzaClear: Moisturizer with Azelaic Acid and Niacinamide

Epikinetics Pharma has pushed out a press release today (reproduced in full on …

7. Why should I Cleanse and Moisturize my dry, oily, flaky SD skin?

I came across this thread in the archives and thought it was worth highlighting it and pushing it out again.

The question asked is a good one – how can cleansing and moisturizing the dry flaky and oily SD skin be a good thing? If you have ever wondered why this is so, read on.

It was interesting to read again how for severely sensitive skin, repairing …

8. FTC Gets Tough on Acai Berry Supplement Sites

Recently the Federal Trade Commission announced that it was taking legal action against businesses that operate deceptive supplement web sites, specifically sites that selling Acai Berry based products.
What does this have to do with Rosacea?
A fair question. As the internet has become a more and more popular source for health related information, the trustworthiness of web sites has become more and more important.

9. Atopiclair, Eletone, MimyX: Barrier Creams with No Active Ingredients

Thanks to Beth, here is some more information about a class of FDA Approved “Medical Device” creams. This class of creams are prescription only, contain no active molecules and are approved for sale to treat medical conditions under via the provisions of …