Mirvaso to be a $100 million drug for Galderma
A revealing interview with the Galderma USA President Francois Fournier has just been published by the Dallas Fort Worth Healthcare Daily.
read more –> Mirvaso to be a $100 million drug for Galderma
A revealing interview with the Galderma USA President Francois Fournier has just been published by the Dallas Fort Worth Healthcare Daily.
read more –> Mirvaso to be a $100 million drug for Galderma
Written by David Pascoe on September 26, 2013 with 3 Comments
Mirvaso is so new that only a few rosacea sufferers have been able to try it. What are your chances of having a bad reaction ? How are users in the real world faring, and will the general population see the same level of benefits as the large number of Phase III trialists ? Well […]
2. Mirvaso Gel Coupon (Cost Reduction Card) now available
Written by David Pascoe on September 24, 2013 with 0 Comments
As is the case for many of the prescriptions targeted at rosacea, the manufacturers of Mirvaso have made available a Mirvaso Coupon program. Galderma calls their Mirvaso campaign the Mirvaso Cost Reduction Card. The tagline for the promotion is “Eligible insured patients MAY pay no more than $50 for each Mirvaso Topical Gel prescription”. […]
3. American Acne & Rosacea Society, too close to Big Pharma ?
Written by David Pascoe on September 20, 2013 with 0 Comments
A really interesting post over at medpage TODAY is asking just what is the American Acne & Rosacea Society is up to, and asking the question are they too close to the bigPharma that they are funded by. We first learned of the existence of the AARS in 2006. Whilst it was puzzling as to […]
4. Mirvaso Patents to prohibit Generic Mirvaso
Written by David Pascoe on September 18, 2013 with 0 Comments
Galderma is claiming that the following patents protect their recently FDA Approved Brimonidine Gel known as Mirvaso. These patents are quoted in the Mirvaso Prescribing Information thus forming a public statement by Galderma to any would be competitors. Note one patent is for using Mirvaso to treat the broken blood vessels of rosacea (telangiectasis). This […]
5. North East US has the most Rosacea Sufferers
Written by David Pascoe on September 7, 2013 with 0 Comments
An interesting graph published on the NRS Blog shows that there is a high concentration of rosacea sufferers in the North East of the USA. The graph shows the residents of New England have the highest incidence of rosacea in the country. Puts a different spin on red states vs. blue states eh? The NRS […]
6. Treating Redness with Crolom (cromolyn sodium ophthalmic solution, 4%)
Written by David Pascoe on September 5, 2013 with 0 Comments
A trial by a Dr. Di Nardo using mice has found that cromolyn sodium ophthalmic solution 4% is able to reduce skin redness. This small trial, which will be double blinded seeks to see whether the effect can be replicated in humans. A total of 10 patients will be given either the saline vehicle or […]
7. How much do Rosacea Prescriptions Really Cost?
Written by David Pascoe on September 3, 2013 with 12 Comments
You don’t have to read the online rosacea forums for very long to see the outrage at how much rosacea sufferers, especially in the US, pay for Rosacea Prescriptions. If you want to try Metrogel 1%, Oracea or Finacea what might you expect to pay? The answer is actually not straight forward. A lot will […]
8. Will I have a Bad Reaction to Mirvaso?
Written by David Pascoe on September 2, 2013 with 0 Comments
Now that Mirvaso has been officially approved by the FDA, the final clinical trial results quoted to the FDA have become available. The Mirvaso Prescribing Information contains some statistics relating to the number and type of adverse reactions that occurred during the clinical trials. So if you are prescribed Mirvaso, what are your chances that […]
There are many products on the market for rosacea sufferers. Some make fancy claims, others are hard to find, yet worse some are prescription only and expensive. Now you can break through all that uncertainty and get some first hand experience with this compilation of user reviews and fact sheets.