Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Standard Rosacea Treatment Options

Lets do some quick revision. In 2002, the National Rosacea Society Expert Committee reported on a standard classification system that identified primary and secondary features of rosacea and described 4 common patterns of signs and symptoms designated as subtypes. In 2004, the committee published a standard grading system for assessing the relative severity of rosacea to enhance the utility of the classification system for researchers and clinicians.

The standard management options were developed by a consensus committee and review panel of 26 experts to assist in providing optimal patient care based on the standard classification and grading systems for rosacea that were developed to perform research; analyze results and compare data from different sources; and provide a common terminology and reference for the diagnosis, treatment, and assessment of results in clinical practice. We discuss standard management options for rosacea in 2 parts: (1) overview and broad spectrum of care, and (2) options according to subtype. The options are considered provisional and may be expanded and updated as appropriate. Managing the various potential signs and symptoms of rosacea calls for consideration of a broad spectrum of care, and a more precise selection of therapeutic options may become increasingly possible as the mechanism of action of therapies are more definitively established.

Now, see the rosacea experts thoughts on Standard Management Options 1: overview and broad spectrum of care and the Standard Management Options 2: according to subtype and while you are at it - Book Review: Rosacea Diagnosis and Management .

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Rosacea News November 2009

Rosacea News November 2009

1. NY Derm likes Finacea instead of Retin-A

In an ELLE Magazine December 2009 interview, New York Dermatologist Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, MD, PhD tells us that she has rosacea. A respected and published dermatologist, Dr. Alexiades-Armenakas says that she is one of the …

2. Promiseb even better than Desonide 0.05%

Promiseb Topical Cream has been found to be as effective as desonide cream 0.05% when treating facial dermatitis. This is an exciting finding, especially if the results can be replicated at large in the rosacea / seborrheic dermatitis community. …

3. What is this mysterious Nycomed 0444 Gel ?

The Clinical Trials register has listed a just completed trial for something cryptically called 0444 Gel. The Gel is targeted for the papules and pustules of rosacea. Apparently the study started in January 2008 and has just been completed. Study of 0444 Gel in the Treatment of Inflammatory Lesions of Rosacea Sponsor: Nycomed US Inc …

4. Accutane dose of 22mg a day works best: EADV

A summary from a the recent 18th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology has presented some findings relating to the most effect dosage of accutane to treat rosacea. Accutane (Isotretinoin) has been successfully prescribed in …

5. Vitamin K Oxide good for purpleness after PDL

A recently published paper is proposing the use of Vitamin K Oxide (Phytonadione Epoxide Hexane) as a treatment to accelerate the recovery from the redness and purple lesions following Pulsed Dye Laser. A previous study in 1994 also found that Vitamin K cream reduced the severity of post PDL purpura. Whilst the redness and indeed purpleness that Pulsed Dye Laser treatments can …

6. DER45-EV Gel from Sol-Gel files for IND

News today that Sol-Gel Technologies has filed for Investigational New Drug for a product they are calling DED45-EV. This topical gel is targeted as a treatment for rosacea.

There doesn’t seem to be other copies of this release, or related information so this could just be a pure PR exercise.

7. Treating Rosacea with Infrared Light: Patent

A newly filed patent contains a proposed rosacea treatment using small bands of infrared radiation between 790nm and 900nm with a power between 1 and 100 mW/cm^2. The unit proposed could be a LED device, used from twice a day to every 10 days. An energy density between 3 and 180 Joules/cm^2 is proposed.

Book Review: Rosacea: Diagnosis and Management, Frank C. Powell

Professor Frank Powell has created something quite valuable for rosacea sufferers and their physicians, an authorative and approachable medical text.


Author: Frank C. Powell
Review Date: December 2009
Available at

READ The full book review here:

Rosacea Diagnosis and Management.


This book gets off to an excellent start because the author is a genuine rosacea expert who is widely recognised. Professor Powell’s book is the sort of text that will see the understanding of rosacea symptoms, diagnosis and treatment increase world wide.

This book is by and far the best book on rosacea that you can get your hands on.

You can purchase the book at Rosacea Diagnosis and Management.

See Also: other Rosacea Book Reviews